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Updated: August 6, 2024

GREENANE HOUSE, THOMASTOWN, March 5th. The breakfast-room at Borris this morning was gay with pink coats. A meet was to come off at a place between Borris and Thomastown, and bidding fare-well to my cordial host and hostess, I set out at 11 o'clock for a flying visit to this quaint and charming house of Mr. Seigne, one of the best known and most highly esteemed agents in this part of Ireland.

"Do not expect me, sir," said Hartley, who felt that the delicacy of his position with regard to Lord Cumber, rendered it altogether impossible that he could be the guest of a man with whose brother he was likely soon to fight a duel. "Well," replied Topertoe, "if you cannot come I shall regret it." "It is really out of my power, I assure you," replied Hartley, as he bade him fare-Well.

"I am coming, sir, I am coming Consider," she added, with a sigh, "how lately I have been subjected to control besides, I have not yet given my cousin the packet, and bid him fare-well for ever. Yes, Frank," she said, "for ever! there is a gulf between us a gulf of absolute perdition; where we go, you must not follow what we do, you must not share in Farewell be happy!"

"I am coming, sir, I am coming Consider," she added, with a sigh, "how lately I have been subjected to control besides, I have not yet given my cousin the packet, and bid him fare-well for ever. Yes, Frank," she said, "for ever! there is a gulf between us a gulf of absolute perdition; where we go, you must not follow what we do, you must not share in Farewell be happy!"

From the dusk of the rafters, the girl who loved him stretched out her hands to him in tender fare-well, but there was no more of anguish in the gesture. Gazing after him, the tears rose slowly to her eyes and rolled slowly down her cheeks, but on her mouth was a little smile whose wondering joy mounted to exaltation.

We have a common observation among us, that even so late as William the Third, the roads were in so dangerous a state, that a man usually made his will, and took a formal fare-well of his friends, before he durst venture upon a journey to London; which, perhaps, was thought then, of as much consequence as a voyage to America now.

Sahwah stood before the portrait of Elizabeth Carver in the long drawing room, paying her fare-well visit. The suitcases of the departing Winnebagos were piled on the porch outside, waiting for the moment of departure. The great air of respect and deference, tinged with envy, that Sahwah had heretofore worn when she addressed Elizabeth Carver had given way to an air of conscious equality.

Lower and lower she bent and he saw the parted lips curve in a smile of exquisite welcome or was it fare-well?

I bid this youth kindly farewell, because he has come hither in kindness, and because the odds are great, that we may never again meet in this world. I guess better than he, that the schemes on which you are rushing are too mighty for your management, and that you are now setting the stone a-rolling, which must surely crush you in its descent. I bid fare-well," she added, "to my fellow-victim!"

Thou too, miraculous Entity, who namest thyself YORKE and OLIVER, and with thy vivacities and genialities, with thy all too Irish mirth and madness, and odor of palled punch, makest such strange work, farewell; long as thou canst, fare-well!

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