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Updated: August 26, 2024

Can do everything in small way, if necessary; build little bridge, if asked; Jack of all Trades live very comfortably." "And where do you live?" "Oh, not very far from Tregaron." "And what kind of place is Tregaron?" "Oh, very good place; not quite so big as London but very good place." "What is it famed for?" said I, "Oh, famed for very good ham; best ham at Tregaron in all Shire Cardigan."

Now, though Lecourbe was a distinguished General, specially famed for mountain warfare witness his services in 1799 among the Alps above Lucerne he had been long left unemployed by Napoleon on account of his strong Republican opinions and his sympathy with Moreau.

Then rapidly rose the three famed orders of architecture the Doric, the Ionic, and the Corinthian the first solemn, massive, and imposing, while the others exhibit, in their ornamental features, a gradual advance to perfection.

Linden, a rich widow, lived a solitary life in her grand, old castle. One day some urgent business called her to the city of Antwerp. Here she was detained longer than she had expected, and during her stay she visited the principal points of interest, among them an old cathedral, famed far and wide for its beauty. With deep reverence, she entered this time-honored house of worship.

The interesting route over which he was now passing had been marked out by Boone and the early pioneers. Of the eighty thousand or more inhabitants living in Kentucky at this time, nearly all had come West on horseback or on foot. The famed region the hunting ground of the Indians before the "Long Knives" invaded it retained the chief features of a primeval forest.

In her modest and simple home, where everything was so orderly and refined, there was always on the part of both host and hostess a cordial and hearty Western welcome which put every guest perfectly at ease. Their table was famed for the excellence of many rare Kentucky dishes, and for the venison, wild turkeys, and other game, then so abundant.

This folk were they that possessed Kytoros and dwelt about Sesamon, and inhabited their famed dwellings round the river Parthenios and Kromna and Aigialos and lofty Erythini. And the Alizones were led of Odios and Epistrophos, from far away in Alybe, where is the birthplace of silver.

Another diarist, who lived only a few miles away from Gordon, also on the Rappahannock river, was Landon Carter, son of the famed Robert, or "King," Carter of Corotoman in Lancaster County. There is no doubt about it: he was an oyster lover.

"Where the Holy Inquisition threatens, I should be capable of denying a friend thrice ere the cock crew. But what a number of charming young faces there are on this Lindenplatz! Here one can understand why Ratisbon, like the French Arles, is famed for the beauty of her daughters. It was not easy for you to earn the reputation of the greatest beauty here.

This one naturally resisted displacement, 'vi et armis, and the fights would become so general as to cause a resemblance to the famed Fair of Donnybrook. The cry would go up: "Look out for flankers!" The lines of the selected would dress up compactly, and outsiders trying to force themselves in would get mercilessly pounded.

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