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Updated: August 25, 2024

While Bob was knocking this idea out of his head with the butt-end of his six-shooter Shark Dodson was already dosing the express-car safe with dynamite. The safe exploded to the tune of $30,000, all gold and currency. The passengers thrust their heads casually out of the windows to look for the thunder-cloud.

"This looks like it, don't it?" said the successful express-car robber, holding his valise to the light. "Don't you know this man, Haight?" "Damme, if it isn't Dan Moriarity." "The same old penny Haight," and Moriarity clasped his hand. Haight, as host, did the honors. An empty flour barrel, covered by a square board, made an acceptable table.

"You can't rob the passengers on this train. I'm not responsible for the express-car, but the coaches " A bullet almost grazed his ear and shattered a window on its way to the desert. "Drift, you red-haired son of a Mexican?" ordered the man behind the red bandanna. "Git back to that seat real prompt. This here's taxation without representation." The conductor drifted as per suggestion.

The Hen and the old gent was standing on the deepo platform, where they'd landed from the coach; and Hill said as he was taking his mails across to the express-car he heard him asking her once more if she hadn't better come right along East to her lonely babe; and promising to take a father's care of her all the way.

She very nearly laughed. "This is New York," she said, "not Arizona. And besides there was no express-car. This thing was done by somebody who wanted the effect of a wreck, and nothing else, and it was done by some one who knew about railroads. "Now, what class of persons who know about railroads could be moved by that motive?" She was driving straight now at the boy I stood to cover.

At last three more fellows had come in on a train. Weiler met them at the station and the whole party took the train west that night, with McCorquodale trailing along. Their destination was Indian Creek and on arrival they unloaded from the express-car a Peterborough canoe, a tent and a lot of supplies. As soon as the train pulled out they got ready for a trip into the woods.

The train jerked; the Wells Fargo man, with his truck alongside the express-car far ahead, yelled something to the man who had taken his packages aboard. "The bay wins," grinned the fat man. "It looks Gad! It's a woman!" Greek saw that it was a woman in khaki riding-habit, and that the spurs she wore were gnawing into her horse's flanks. He began to take a sudden, stronger interest.

Was his lineaments or height and thickness or teeth fillings or style of habiliments set forth in print? "'Why, no, says Ogden; 'they say nobody got a good sight of him because he wore a mask. But they know it was a train-robber called Black Bill, because he always works alone and because he dropped a handkerchief in the express-car that had his name on it.

Charley looked the lot over and seen there was nothing in it worth taking time to; and then he got his Denver paper from the messenger in the express-car and started off to go on back to his room in the Forest Queen.

Samson Newell was evidently a man of few words in a case of emergency. He paused for only an instant to assure himself that the man was in earnest, then he slid open one of the side-doors of the express-car, and stretched forth a hand whose clutch was like the closing of a claw of steel.

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