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Tell me!" But her answer did not come from any of the lively group about her. A shadow fell across the floor and Captain Lem appeared at the window. Leaning his elbows on the low sill he surveyed the interior with a quizzical smile, then observed: "If everybody's et all they can and has got time for somethin' elst, please to step over to the corral behind the Barracks.

The two horsemen and their attendant on foot drew near. "It is Captain Van der Elst and my cousin Berthold!" exclaimed Jaqueline, in a more joyous tone than she had spoken for many a day. "The message they bring from the Prince will, I trust, encourage our citizens."

She was rewarded with the consciousness that she had performed her duty, and she hoped to have strength to continue it, but she was more out of spirits than was usual with her. Some days had passed since her young cousin Berthold had accompanied Captain Van der Elst to Rotterdam and they had not again made their appearance.

The pigeon bore a letter dictated by Admiral Boisot, though she recognised the handwriting of Captain Van der Elst.

"It did not occur to me when I undertook to tend the pretty birds that they might prove of the service you suggest," said Jaqueline. "You are indeed most welcome to take as many as you can employ. I shall prize them more than ever when they have thus assisted our glorious cause." Suddenly Berthold, on hearing that Captain Van der Elst was about to set out for Rotterdam, started up.

The Prince frequently visited Delft, but Captain Van der Elst believed that he was now to be found at Rotterdam, and although the former city was but slightly out of their course, he proposed avoiding it and riding directly for Rotterdam. More than half the distance had been performed.

Captain Van der Elst briefly explained how he himself had escaped, and being well assured that Leyden would again be attacked that he had considered it his duty to ride round to that city in order to prepare the inhabitants for what was likely to occur.

He would have threatened more, though he could hardly have threatened worse, but at this moment a door opened in the back of the room and a bullet-head thrust itself forward, followed by a pair of shoulders naked and magnificently shaped. "Time to start, is it?" demanded the apparition. "Or elst what in thunder's the meanin' o' this racket, when I was just a-gettin' of my beauty sleep?"

"I got to tell you what's true, an' chance the rest. Mr. Sam Bossom, 'e gave us a 'and at the coal-'ole, an' Mr. Mortimer got mixed up in it later on; an' that's all they know about it. There's nobody elst, unless you count the pore woman at the orspital, an' she's dead." "That aunt of yours is she dead too?" Tilda grinned. "You've been talkin' to Glasson." "P'r'aps," suggested Mr.

His body, if it was there, lay among the heaps of slain, most of whom had been stripped by rapacious plunderers, and disfigured by the hoofs of the enemy's horses." "I believe your report, captain," said the burgomaster, stretching out his hand and pressing that of Van der Elst.