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By dinnertime the base was one solid mass of rumor. Rick heard variously that the Earthman had been found, that he had stolen an entire rocket assembly, that the warehouse had been loaded with dynamite triggered to explode, that he had killed the clerk, that the clerk had seen him just before he flickered into invisibility, and so on.

In rapid succession others stepped forward and hesitantly admitted that they too had been contacted. Truman Bethurum, a journeyman mechanic of Redondo Beach, California, was next up. Actually, he admitted, he had been the first earthman to talk to a person from another world.

By the time they realize what has happened, it will be too late." "You're giving us the ship, too?" Tallis looked at him wonderingly. "And eight prisoners?" "Nine," said MacMaine. "I'll hand over my sidearm to you just before your men come through the air lock." General Tallis sat down in the other small chair, his eyes still on the Earthman.

The skilful application of wood ash and powdered charcoal to the hollows around the eyes, the pits beneath the cheekbones, gave him a gaunt, careworn appearance, suitable to an Earthman too brow-beaten to dream of defying his overlords. Wat, who had artistically applied the make-up, viewed his handiwork with admiration. "You'll do," he grinned.

A face towered over him, a face he knew. Urga. The Mercutian was no longer impassive; his gray countenance was distorted with hideous hate. "I'll break you in two," he mouthed, and lunged for Hilary. The Earthman came out of his daze at the sight of the other. Strength seemed to flow back into his weary body. His fist came up, clean with all the power that was left in him.

"Come on, I'll show you around." For an hour Superintendent Philander escorted George Hanlon about the diggings, showing him the various buildings and the workers' stockade. The young Earthman got a real shock of surprise at his first sight of the native. They were so entirely different from anything he had ever suspected might exist.

The three other Kerothi who made up the Strategy Staff came in at almost the same time. There was a flurry of activity as the computers and viewers were readied for action, then the Kerothi looked expectantly at the Earthman. MacMaine looked at the detector screens. The deployment of the approaching Earth fleet was almost as he had expected it would be.

Quickly, Arcot turned to Torlos. "Torlos, go out! Leave the ship! We can work better when you aren't here, since we don't have to worry about exposure to magnetic rays. I don't like to make you miss this, but it's for your world!" Torlos showed his disappointment; he wanted to be in this battle. But he realized that what the Earthman said was true.

His nose was rather thin, but not sharp, and his mouth was curved in a smile of welcome. His chin was firm and sharp, distinct from his face and neck. They looked each other over, and Arcot smiled as their eyes met. "Torlos," said the alien, pointing to his great chest. "Arcot," replied the Earthman, pointing to himself. Then he pointed to the stranger. "Torlos."

In a Swabian story the Earthman, as he is called, apologizes for omitting to offer food. In this case the midwife was afraid to go alone with her summoner, and begged that her husband might accompany her. This was permitted; and the Earthman showed them the way through the forest with his lantern, for it was of course night.