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"Well-ll! if we are not playing hostess to the Man in the Moon quite yet at least, we seem to be entertaining angels unawares, with the latest rumors from the sky," laughingly. "How about supper now? Later on maybe we can show you two dear girls that we as a Group can do something with red fire, too, a very earth-bound something, mere child's play compared to the future of your celestial Bird. Ha!

"Sweet bodements! good!" cried Macbeth; "who can unfix the forest, and move it from its earth-bound roots? I see I shall live the usual period of man's life, and not be cut off by a violent death. But my heart throbs to know one thing. Tell me, if your art can tell so much, if Banquo's issue shall ever reign in this kingdom?"

It is rather to be wondered at, that in the genus of animals he should have condescended to distinguish that species at all. For myself earth-bound and fettered to the scene of my activities, Standing on earth, not rapt above the sky, I confess that I do feel the differences of mankind, national or individual, to an unhealthy excess. I can look with no indifferent eye upon things or persons.

Audubon or Wilson would have noted more sensibly the floating figure, far above "falling dew," and the earth-bound mortal who was evidently afraid of rheumatics and calculating whether he could walk home before dark. The bird, they would have been perfectly aware, was neither "wandering" nor "lost," and no more in need of the special interposition of a protecting Providence than they or Mr.

That is the spirit of all the true servants of Jesus. But the most important fact concerning the kingdom in Christ's view of it is that it is spiritual. And, because it is spiritual, it failed wholly to satisfy the earth-bound ambitions of the Jews.

We should anticipate the honor and privilege of that interview for the whole year, and eagerly avail ourselves of it. Alas, that familiarity with prayer does not always increase our appreciation of its magnificence! The cause of our apathy is probably also to be sought in the effort which is required to bring our sensuous and earth-bound natures into true union with the Spirit of God.

Madame stirred in her sleep. Then she called, drowsily: "Alden! Edith!" No one answered, because no one heard. She got up, smothering a yawn behind her hand, wondered that there were no lights, waited a moment, heard nothing, and came to the window. The moon flooded the earth with enchantment a silvery ocean of light breaking upon earth-bound shores.

It occurred to us, of course, then, that all the aristocrats of Nature rose and wheat and olives and bees and alabaster and grapes must all have their part of the harmony, for Order has come to their chaos. Their spirit has come forth, as in the face of a far-come child the brute earth-bound lines of self gone the theme of life, Service. I am at the end of Capitals now.

Curtis informed the audience that "table-turning" when not accomplished through the trickery of one of the sitters was frequently performed by the work of some earth-bound spirit usually an Elemental that could amalgamate with any piece of furniture, in precisely the same way as his own projection had amalgamated with the table in front of them. "Elementals," Mr.

Their world is one of menus, nothing but menus; their only mental exertion the study of menus, and I have no doubt that "tuck" shops and restaurants are besieged by the ever-hungry spirit of the earth-bound glutton. Manual labourers i.e. navvies, coal-heavers, miners, etc. are naturally more or less brutal.