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He often expressed the same thought to me in different words. "Ah!" he would say, "how good must not the God of Israel be to such as are upright of heart, since He is so gracious to those even who have a heart like mine, miserable, heedless of His graces, and earth-bound! Oh! how sweet is His spirit to the souls that love Him and seek Him with all their might!

Do you understand?" "Yes, I know. Passion isn't love any more than hunger is, but an earth-bound world seldom sees above the fog of sense." "I could love you always," he returned, "and never so much as touch your hand or kiss you again." She nodded, smiling full comprehension. Then she asked, briefly: "Why write?"

"Sweet bodements! good!" cried Macbeth; "who can unfix the forest, and move it from its earth-bound roots? I see I shall live the usual period of man's life, and not be cut off by a violent death. But my heart throbs to know one thing. Tell me, if your art can tell so much, if Banquo's issue shall ever reign in this kingdom?"

Whether this was so or not must, of course, be a matter of conjecture the herd of hogs may well have been the phantasms of actual earth-bound pigs attracted to the spot by a sort of fellow-feeling for the criminals, whose gross and carnal natures would no doubt appeal to them.

You want to be sure the tree you are thinking to make a shelter for your whole life, will have far-reaching and uplifting branches, and will not be merely an earth-bound twig. Since your church permits no second marriage save by the door of death, do not make a mistake in your first. Take a year, at least, of absence and separation, and think the matter over. To Sybyl Marchmont

Even the lovers had lost their stiffness, while the two earth-bound fairies of the night before had found so amiable a meeting point that their solos sounded, to the uninitiated, very like, indeed, a duet. The operetta was, in short, a glorious and gratifying success, both artistically and financially.

It is far better for the father that this strange event should have occurred, than that he should have remained an earth-bound phantom, unable to realise his own position, or to rise above the affection which chained him to merely worldly things." Paris, Feb. 21, 1880 XVI. The Metempsychosis

Though I am of the opinion that no amount of invocation will bring back a phantasm from the higher spiritual planes to-day, unless that invocation be made in very exceptional circumstances, with a specific purpose, I am quite sure that bona fide spirits of the earth-bound do occasionally materialise in answer to the summons of the spiritualist.

I have no doubt that genuine phantasms of the earth-bound or elementals do occasionally show themselves, but I am quite sure in nine cases out of ten the manifestations are manifestations of living flesh and blood. Charms and Checks against Ghosts

"But there was more of this business. Another member of the circle a young man became entranced, and proceeded to impersonate lost souls, 'earth-bound spirits, in the manner of our friend Mrs. Harris, and wailed and wept and moaned in most grewsome fashion.