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"Which, sir, I will, though Mr. Bimby I won't answer for, 'im being busy with the pore young man as 'e brought 'ome last night it's 'im as the brandy's for. Ye see, sir, though doleful, Mr. Bimby's very kind 'earted, and 'e's always a-nussing somebody or something last time it were a dog with a broke leg ah, I've knowed 'im bring 'ome stray cats afore now, many's the time, and once a sparrer.

Then you dance then I dance to-night you understan'? If I sing better as you sing an' if I dance better as you dance then I throw you over Zeitoon bridge, an' no one interfere! But if you sing better as I sing an' if you dance better as I dance then you shall make a servant of me; for I know you will be too big fool an' too chicken 'earted to keel me, as I would keel you! You understan'?"

Thank you, Adam for telling me. You can go now." "Why then Good-night! Miss Anthea, mam, the mortgage is as good as paid, there ain't no such 'ops nowhere near so good as our'n be. An' you're quite free o' care, an' 'appy 'earted, Miss Anthea?" "Quite Oh quite, Adam!"

"Aye, for sure I were singin', but then who could help singin' on such a mornin' as this be, an' wi' the black-bird a-piping away in the tree here. Oh! I were singin', I don't go for to deny it, but it's sore 'earted I be, an' filled wi' gloom sir, notwithstanding." "You mean," said Bellew, becoming suddenly thoughtful, "that you are haunted by the Carking Spectre of the er Might Have Been?"

There's my niece, Emma, I don't say she is a saint, but a better 'earted, 'arder working gal, at twenty pounds a year, you don't expect to find, unless maybe you're a natural born fool that can't 'elp yourself. She wanted a place. She 'ad been 'ome for nearly six months, nursing 'er old father, as 'ad been down all the winter with rheumatic fever; and 'ard-put to it she was for a few clothes.

"One of our chaps named Sam," went on Henry "one of the best an' kindest 'earted chaps that ever breathed." "Regular brick he is," assented Dick. "Fine, big 'ansome man, he is," said Henry, "and this chap's got his clothes on." The customers gazed sternly at Sam as he sat open-mouthed listening to these fulsome but untimely praises.

Donkin, who had been stupefied with fear, revived suddenly and began to shout: "'Ear 'im; that's the way they tawlk to us. Vy donch 'ee 'it 'im one ov yer? 'It 'im. 'It 'im! Comin' the mate over us. We are as good men as 'ee! We're all goin' to 'ell now. We 'ave been starved in this rotten ship, an' now we're goin' to be drowned for them black 'earted bullies! 'It 'im!"