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Thus among all the Folly's here abounding, None took like the new Ape-trick of Dumfounding.

Tom's mind had been dark and gloomy enough to begin with, but when during his father's harangue he glanced up and saw De Courcy bending his aquiline face over his paper with a slightly sardonic smile, he could stand no more. To the utter dumfounding of his mother and sisters, and even the irate Judge himself, he pushed his chair back and sprang to his feet with an actual roar of rage and pain.

p. 176 Dumfounding. A rude and rough form of practical joking. The players 'dumfounded' each other with sudden blows stealthily dealt. cf. Dryden, prologue to The Prophetess , speaks of the gallants in the theatre indulging freely in That witty recreation, called dumfounding. p. 176 stum'd Wine.

This hurling Olympian gesture smote the street; the rails of the car-track sprang and quivered with the shock; it thundered, and, amid the dumfounding uproar of the wrath of a god, the Will of the Canaanite Jove wrote the words in fiery letters upon the ether: "CEASE TO BE!" Joe did not go in to shake hands with Judge Pike.

Theseus, who got through the Labyrinth, would have been puzzled with this mystic passage. We never saw such a time-worn and dumfounding road to any place, and if those who patronise it regularly had done their best to discover the essence of dinginess and intractibility, they could not have hit upon a better spot than this.

The simplest thing would have been to tell him my secret then, but I had pictured something more dramatic. I wanted Mary to witness his dumfounding when he heard the news. I wanted her to be there when its full import broke upon him; then the three of us, Mary and Tim and I, would do a wild jig. What boon companions we should be we three to go through life together! And Edith?

Then you must lie down until we can get it cut off." "Will it have to be cut off?" I asked as calmly as possible. There were red-hot stabs of agony clear to my neck, but we were moving slowly away from the track. "Yes," she replied, with dumfounding coolness. "If I had a knife I could do it myself. You might sit here and lean against this fence."

But what would you have of it, but to the dumfounding of them all, the shoe fitted Billy as nice as if it was made on his foot for a last. So the king's daughter claimed Billy as her husband.

It will be remembered that Billie wanted to get in touch with a creature having the characteristic which she had said she admired: supremacy "A worker who is the boss!" Bearing this in mind, her experience will explain itself, dumfounding though it was. Her first sight of the Sanusian world was from the front of a large building.

Not until Miss Caroline had ceased from large and beauteous phrases about "the great good fortune that has befallen us in the strangest manner" not until she descended to actual, dumfounding figures with powerful little dollar-marks back of them, did her daughter seem to permit herself the sweet alarms of hope.