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He was strongly impelled to persuade them to migrate to La Présentation; but the Governor had told him to confine his efforts to other tribes; and lest, he says, the ardor of his zeal should betray him to disobedience, he reimbarked, and encamped six leagues from temptation. La Jonquière au Ministre, 30 Août, 1750. N.Y. Col. Docs.

N. Y. Col. Docs., III. 436. Rooseboom and his men, however, naturally thought that they came to support the French; and, when La Durantaye bore down upon them with threats of instant death if they made the least resistance, they surrendered at once. The captors carried them in triumph to Michillimackinac, and gave their goods to the delighted Indians.

Docs., IX. 550; Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable en Canada, 1692, 1693; Callieres au Ministre, 1 Sept., 1693; La Potherie, III. 169; Relation de 1682-1712; Faillon, Vie de Mlle. Le Bar, 313; Belmont, Hist. du Canada; Beyard and Lodowick, Journal of the Late Actions of the French at Canada; Report of Major Peter Schuyler, in N. Y. Col. Docs., IV. 16; Colden, 142.

"Has he turned Alexandria into a shambles yet?" "Not yet, but everyone's uneasy." "I can't blame them. That young fellow's undiluted poison. By the way, how does he look?" "About the same." "The medics must have done a good job," Kennon said. "The Boss-man shipped him to Beta for treatment," Blalok said. "He didn't trust the docs out here." "That figures.

Grant the breath to him who is without it; Grant good things to this traveller, Samehit the Pedti, born in the land of Egypt, Who fled away from fear of thee, And fled this land from thy terrors. Does not the face grow pale, of him who beholds thy countenance; Docs not the eye fear, which looks upon thee." Said his majesty, "Let him not fear, let him be freed from terror.

Document No. 90, U. S. Senate, First Session, 22nd Congress, ii:30. Document No. 58, U. S. Senate Docs. First Session, 19th Congress:7-8. Ibid. That the debauching of the Indians was long continuing was fully evidenced by the numerous communications sent in by Government representatives.

For although unequal distribution of the goods of this life, Virtue and Vice seem to be taken too little into consideration, although this unequal distribution docs not exactly afford a strong proof of the immortality of the soul and of a life to come, in which this difficulty will be reserved hereafter, it is certain that without this difficulty the human understanding would not for a long time, perhaps never, have arrived at better or firmer proofs.

La Hontan, I. 180 . Most of the details of the story are drawn from this writer, whose statement I have compared with that of Denonville, in his letter dated Nov. 9, 1688; of Callieres, Jan., 1689; of the Abstract of Letters from Canada, in N.Y. Col. Docs., IX. 393; and of the writer of Relation des Evenements de la Guerre, 8 Oct., 1688. Belmont notices the affair with his usual conciseness.

He then speaks of "Le Rocher," calling it by that name; says that it is about a league below on the left or south side, forming a sheer cliff, very high, and looking like a fortress on the border of the river. Memoir on Western Indians, 1718, in N.Y. Col. Docs., ix. 890. St.

Lettre du Pere Thury, 1689. Thury says that 142 men, women, and children were killed. Andros, Account of Forces in Maine, in 3 Mass. Hist. Coll., I. 85. Compare Andros Tracts, I. 177; Ibid., II. 181, 193, 207, 213, 217; Ibid., III. 232; Report of Andros in N. Y. Col. Docs., III. 722.