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Here was a new Greek scholar whose accomplishments were to be tested, and on nothing did Scala more desire a dispassionate opinion from persons of superior knowledge than on that Greek epigram of Politian's.

"So interesting that half a million people would have to read it." "You think you could do that?" "I think it could be done." "Will you come with me and try it?" "You're offering me a place on The Patriot staff?" "Precisely. Mr. Edmonds is joining." That gentleman breathed a small cloud of blue vapor into the air together with the dispassionate query: "Is that so? Hadn't heard of it."

He was sorry," he said, "to see a disposition to confound freedom and licentiousness. Was there not an obvious distinction between a cool, dispassionate, honest, and candid discussion, and a false, wicked, seditious misrepresentation of public men and public measures?

Though for many years well known as an ardent politician, and associated by popular prejudice with that class of untried social theories which are known by the name of isms, his tone is singularly calm and dispassionate.

Much indeed has been written to vindicate him from the imputation of cruelty at Drogheda and Wexford; but of the arguments hitherto adduced in his defence, it will be no presumption to affirm that there is not one among them which can bear the test of dispassionate investigation. The following pensions were afterwards granted to different persons instrumental in facilitating the king's escape.

The Dockyard tug, with its freight of hoarse yet still vociferous sailor-men, had weighed her anchor, and moved down to the end of the line preparatory to steaming in the wake of the last race. The Umpire, in the stern of an officious picket-boat, was apparently the only dispassionate participator in the animated scene.

Which, now, precisely, REALLY do you prefer him, he jerked his head in the direction of the dispassionate youthful picture on the wall, 'him or me? He was so close to her now that he could see the faintest tremor on the face that had suddenly become grey and still in the thin clear sunshine. 'I own it, I own it, he went on, slowly; 'the change is more than skin-deep now.

Yet a perfectly dispassionate inquirer may perhaps think it by no means clear that the award of execution was illegal. There was no precedent; and the words of the Act of Edward the Sixth may, without any straining, be construed as the Court construed them. Indeed, had the penalty been only fine or imprisonment, nobody would have seen any thing reprehensible in the proceeding.

You're not interested in my talk to these boys. Well, if ever any of you want to get married you have my consent. But you'd better get my opinion on her dimples when you do. Now, with my sixty odd years, I'm worth listening to. I can take a cool, dispassionate view of a woman now, and pick every good point about her, just as if she was a cow horse that I was buying for my own saddle."

This manuscript was well put together. It was a manly and yet feeling address in behalf of the oppressed Africans. It contained a sober and dispassionate appeal to the reason of all, without offending the prejudices of any. It was distributed at the expense of the association, and proved to be highly useful to the cause which it was intended to promote.