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Updated: August 5, 2024

The Doctor continues: "In a like style, at Nauen, where part of his regiment lay, he had by means of Herr von der Groben, his First-Lieutenant," much a comrade of his, as we otherwise perceive "the Diaconus of Nauen and his Wife hunted out of bed, and thrown into terror of their lives, one night:" offence of the Diaconus not specified.

The Italians are the most intelligent portion of the population, and are craftsmen, large occupiers of land, merchants, and sailors. They are the descendants of those who were subjects of Venice from the fourteenth century till the fall of the Republic. The Slovens were in Istria as early as the eighth century, and Paulus Diaconus mentions them as being near Cividale.

Their virtuous and loyal life within the boundaries of Alboin's conquests of which Paulus Diaconus says, that violence and treachery were unknown that no one oppressed, no one plundered that the traveller went where he would in perfect safety all this would be hid from the Pope by the plain fact, that they were continually enlarging their frontier toward Rome; that they had founded two half-independent Dukedoms of Beneventum and Spoleto, that Autharis had swept over South Italy, and ridden his horse into the sea at Reggio, to strike with his lance a column in the waves, and cry, 'Here ends the Lombard kingdom.

"Nay, God forbid!" answered the Justice, and the bride looked at him from one side in amazement. "Only the Diaconus and the Colonus eat here you sit at the table with the Sexton outside." The Hunter went into another room, opposite, after observing to his surprise that the Justice and his daughter themselves attended to the serving of this first and most aristocratic table.

The ducal power "principes" of Tacitus preceding among the Lombards that of the king, we see the dukes exercising much greater control in the earlier stages of the monarchy: even, on the death of Clefis 576 actually establishing a sort of aristocratic republic, under the leadership of thirty dukes, which lasted for ten years; after which time, on the event of a dangerous war with the Greeks and the Franks, Authari, the son of Clefis, gained the throne by election; the dukes giving up to him, says Paulus Diaconus, the half of their estates for the support of his dignity, retaining, however, the rest, not as servants of the king, but as "principes" of the people, an important distinction.

Almost all the terminology of the Christian Church is made up of words originally used in a much more general acceptation: Ecclesia, Assembly; Bishop, Episcopus, Overseer; Priest, Presbyter, Elder; Deacon, Diaconus, Administrator; Sacrament, a vow of allegiance; Evangelium, good tidings; and some words, as Minister, are still used both in the general and in the limited sense.

Then he said to me something I did not understand, and I answered, 'Pol-Hercle! at which he seemed pleased enough. Then, to make conversation, I said, 'Diaconus es? And he answered me, mildly and gravely, 'Presbyter sum. And a little while after he left for his house, but I went out on to the balcony, where men and women were talking in subdued tones.

Timme imitates Sterne’s method of ridiculing pedantry; the requirements listed by the Diaconus and the professor are touches of Walter Shandy’s misapplied, warped, and undigested wisdom. In the nineteenth chapter of the third volume we find a Sterne passage associating itself with Shandy rather more than the Sentimental Journey.

He placed the Englishman, Alcuin, at the head of the school, and called distinguished men from Italy and elsewhere as teachers. The best known of these was the historian, Paulus Diaconus, who wrote a history of the Lombards, to which we owe most of what we know about them.

The question still remains which is the question of all. What put these Germanic peoples on going South? Were there no causes sufficient to excite so desperate a resolve? Did they all go? Is not Paulus Diaconus' story that one-third of the Lombards was to emigrate by lot, and two-thirds remain at home, a rough type of what generally happened what happens now in our modern emigrations?

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