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She was sure she should detest any woman who robbed her of her brother. And if such a thing happened, she would certainly take herself off and live somewhere else. Nothing would ever induce her to remain in a married brother's house an unwanted third. There would always be one avenue of escape open to her, she reflected ironically by way of her own marriage with Tony.

A visit, however, to one of the Quaker meetings in 1797, decides him against such conversion: "This cured me of Quakerism. I love it in the books of Penn and Woodman; but I detest the vanity of man, thinking he speaks by the Spirit." A similar story is told of Coleridge. Mr.

A sharp combat followed, in which Li was the first to fall, and his head was carried in triumph to the nearest mandarin. Thus ended the career of a remarkable man. Whatever the Chinese thought of the Manchus, they could not but detest the cruel bandit whom they supplanted, and who, but for their aid and the courage of a single opponent, would have placed himself upon the throne of China.

I mean the assured, the positive, the Pharisaical temper, that believes itself to be impregnably in the right and its opponents indubitably in the wrong; the people who deal in axioms and certainties, who think that compromise is weak and originality vulgar. I detest authority in every form; I am a sincere republican.

The author of the letter was assailed as a Jacobin calumniator, and the whole story was pronounced a vile fabrication. One of the New-York city papers reprinted the letter, and thus closes its commentary on it: "Where is the American who will not detest the author of this infamous lie? If there is a man to be found who will sanction this publication, he is worse than the worst of Jacobins!"

"Von Ragastein," the Ambassador said, "I am going to give myself the luxury of calling you by your name. You know my one weakness, a weakness which in my younger days very nearly drove me out of diplomacy. I detest espionage in every shape and form even where it is necessary. So far as you are concerned, my young friend," he went on, "I think your position ridiculous.

"You love him! you dare to love him!" cried the steward with inexpressible rage. "Very well! I I detest him, and I wish his death!" "But what has he done to you, then?" "What business is that to you? I desire his death, and that's enough." "Mercy for him!" cried Faribole, throwing himself at the feet of hard-hearted Lustucru.

"The Count of Ferroll and I shall have to contend for many things more precious than golden helms before we die." "I believe he is a very overrated man," said Endymion. "Why?" said the prince. "I detest him," said Endymion. "That is certainly a reason why you should not overrate him," said the prince. "There seems a general conspiracy to run him up," said Endymion with pique.

As to the other individual, whom you have honoured by the interest which you have professed in his welfare, no one can more thoroughly detest any practice which exists in this world than he does the gaming-table." "Oh! you have made me so happy!

"And be relieved of my company," replied Pickersgill, smiling, ironically, "of course you are; but I must and will have my petty revenge: and although you may, and probably will detest me, at all events you shall not have any very formidable charge to make against me Before you go below, Miss Ossulton, I give you my permission to add the married lady to the number of my confidants; and you must permit me to introduce my friend, Mr Ossulton;" and Pickersgill waved his hand in the direction of Corbett, who took off his hat, and made a low obeisance.