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Secondly, from this law, and from the knowledge previously obtained of the moon’s mean distance from the earth, and of the actual amount of her deflection from the tangent, it is ascertained with what rapidity the earth’s attraction would cause the moon to fall, if she were no further off, and no more acted upon by extraneous forces, than terrestrial bodies are: that is the second step, the ratiocination.

Besides which, the rotation of the earth, the action of the winds, and the conformation of continents and islands, have a powerful influence on currents, so that some flow at the bottom of ocean, some on the surface, some from east to west or west to east, or aslant in various directions, while, where currents meet there is deflection, modification, or stagnation, but there is no confusion; all goes on with a regularity and harmony which inconceivably excels that of the most complex and beautiful mechanism of man's constructing, although man cannot perceive this order and harmony by reason of his limited powers.

Quenching the light by the ray-filter at F, and placing the pile at P, the totally reflected heat-beam is immediately felt by the pile, and declared by the galvanometric deflection. Invisible Images formed by Radiant Heat. Perhaps no experiment proves more conclusively the substantial identity of light and radiant heat, than the formation of invisible heat-images.

"Well," replied Davis, it seemed to me a little cautiously, "it is not exactly Spencerian, although it squints at the Spencerian view, with a slight deflection toward Hegelianism. I should consider it an harmonious fusion of the best views of all the modern philosophers, with a strong Baxterian flavor." "Yes," said Thompson, "the charm of the chapter lies in this very quality.

He might somehow show a preference distinguishing between them; might, out of pity for her, signal to her that this extremity of her effort for him was more than he asked. That represented Maggie's one little lapse from consistency the sole small deflection in the whole course of her scheme.

Now midway between the two spirals will be placed a plate of iron, as shown in Plate 2, and at once you observe the deflection of the galvanometer is reduced by less than one half, showing clearly that the presence of the iron plate is in some way influencing the previous effects.

Other monuments were erected at the crossing of roads, rivers, and at every mile, commencing from the source of the St. Croix. Those which were not intended to mark angles of deflection were placed square with the line. At the intersection of the St. John by the north line the river is deep and broad.

Except for the noteworthy deflection of Tennessee in the presidential election of 1920, and Republican gains in some counties in other states, this section remains just as "solid" as it was forty years ago, largely of course because the Negro, through education and the acquisition of property, is becoming more and more a potential factor in politics.

It is a terrible wowing in my ears. But that may be something in my individual atmosphere; some strange deflection as your music crosses the space between us. Certainly I never hear the concert of World Regeneration and Hope Revived Again without getting a sort of lock-jaw, my teeth go so keen on edge from the twanging harmony.

A rapid deflection increases the amount of the deflection as well as the amount of the strain, as is seen in the cylinder cover of a Cornish pumping engine, into which the steam is suddenly admitted, and in which the momentum of the particles of the metal put into motion increases the deflection to an extent such as the mere pressure of the steam could not produce.