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Updated: August 17, 2024

But when he keeked into the pit, what should he see but a man attoppa a horse that could not get up or on: and says he, 'I think ye be at a dead-lift there, gaffer. And wi' the word, up looks the man, and who sud it be but farmer Dykes himsel; and Tom Ettles saw him plain eneugh, and kenned the horse too for Black Captain, the farmer's aad beast, that broke his leg and was shot two years and more before the farmer died.

It did strike him at the moment that the few might, possibly, be made for the many, and not the many for the few; and that property was made for man, not man for property. But he contented himself with asking, 'You think, then, my lord, that in the present state of society, no dead-lift can be given to the condition in plain English, the wages of working men, without the destruction of property?

I am told, they are but weak in those posts; surely, by double impetus, and dead-lift effort from us both, they CAN be forced? Only force them, you are in the open field again; and you march away with me, colors flying; your hunger-cage and all your tribulations left behind you!" This is Browne's plan.

All seems very firm and orderly; and our largest crowds maintain their attitude of harmless good-humour when no inflammatory talkers are there. But the hand has written, and true discipline cannot survive very much longer unless we rouse ourselves for a dead-lift effort.

SUNDAY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10th-11th, By unheard-of exertions, all hands and all spent-horses now at a dead-lift effort night and day, Rutowski does get his pontoons carted out of the Pirna storehouse; lands them at Thurmsdorf, opposite the Lilienstein, a mile or so short of Konigstein, where his Bridge shall be. It is now the 11th, at night. And our pontoons are got to the ground, nothing more.

There is no reason to doubt that, for some characters, the only way of becoming Christians is to become so by one dead-lift of resolution. Some things are best done slowly; some things best quickly. One swift blow makes a cleaner fracture than filing or sawing.

The world, in fact, had tried hard to put him down, as it does, unconsciously or, consciously, with all such; and after the most conscious exertions, and at one time a dead-lift spasm of all its energies for Seven Years, had not been able. No wonder they thought him worthy of notice. Every original man of any magnitude is; nay, in the long-run, who or what else is?

"A desperate dead-lift pull all that time; my whole strength devoted to it ... withdrawn from all the world." All the rest of the day I sat, silent, aloft, insisting upon work, and such work, invitissima Minerva, for that matter." Mrs. Carlyle had her usual share of the sufferings involved in "the awful Friedrich."

Lord Minchampstead smiled, and parried the question. 'There may be other dead-lift ameliorations, my young friend, besides a dead-lift of wages. So Lancelot thought, also; but Lord Minchampstead would have been a little startled could he have seen Lancelot's notion of a dead-lift. Lord Minchampstead was thinking of cheap bread and sugar.

I am sure that dead-lift individual effort will eventually reduce the ills arising from alcohol to a minimum, and I am equally sure that the blind groping of half-informed men who chatter at St. Stephen's will never do more good than the chatter of the same number of jackdaws.

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