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I warn you he will be bitterly offended, if you bring General Darrington's granddaughter under this roof." Her delicate flower-like face flushed; and the slight figure became proudly erect. "It is my house, and I acquit him of the presumption of desiring to dictate to whom its doors shall be opened.

"A lame negro man, about medium size, who was seen carrying a bundle on the end of a stick, and who was hanging about the railroad station on the night of General Darrington's death. He probably lives on some plantation south of town, as he was travelling in that direction, after the severe storm that night.

The only hope for General Darrington's granddaughter is in putting that man on the witness stand, to corroborate her statement of a conversation which she heard. This is Wednesday. I will give you until Saturday noon to report. If you do not succeed I shall then advertise. If you wish to save Miss Brentano, help me to find that man."

"You do not recollect any other circumstance?" "The lamp on the table was burnin' and ther' wan't much oil left in it. I seen Miss Angerline blow it out, after the Doctor come." "Who found the chloroform vial?" "Don't know." "Did you hear any name mentioned as that of the murderer?" "Miss Angerline tole the Crowner, that ef the will was missin', Gen'l Darrington's granddaughter had stole it.

"They've abolished fees," drawled Thelismer Thornton, one day in the lobby, "to get square with Constable Emerson Pike up my way. Em went down to replevin some hens, and after he'd chased each hen a dozen times around the barn he sat down and charged up mileage to the county. The rest of this legislation is on the same basis. Here's a legislature that's like Dave Darrington's hogs.

"Doubtless he is, because his father was General Darrington's attorney until his health failed; and Lennox is now his lawyer and business agent. It is a thousand pities that Prince is away in Europe."

I walked to 'Elm Bluff, and after waiting a few moments was admitted to Gen'l Darrington's presence. The letter which I delivered was an appeal for one hundred dollars, and it was received with an outburst of wrath, a flood of fierce and bitter denunciation of my parents. The interview was indescribably painful, but toward its close, Gen'l Darrington relented.

Wolverton, whom the Probate Court has appointed administrator; and at the expiration of eighteen months from the date of Gen'l Darrington's death, the control of the whole will devolve to some extent upon you. Meanwhile the administrator will allow you annually a reasonable amount." "Do you know what sum Mr. Darrington required while abroad?"

A derisive smile unbent the tight lines of the lawyer's mouth. "Come here to live? She would sooner spring into the jaws of hell!" Prince Darrington's large light eyes opened wide, in a questioning stare. "If she is innocent, as you believe, why should she shrink from occupying the family homestead? No conceivable contingency can ever again make it my home, and on Thursday I go away forever."

"The money and jewels are not mine. They belong to my mother, to whom they were given by her father; and she needs the money at this moment " "Let me advise you to say as little as possible for your own sake; because your words will be weighed against you." "I speak only the truth, and it will, it must, vindicate me. What papers are you searching for?" "General Darrington's will.