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"Though to be sure," said he, "I've heard there were such in Darien, yet I never saw any, Martin, more especially in these high lands." "They were fleeing from some wild beast, as I judge, sir," quoth I.

At the beginning of the eighteenth century a number of towns were established by Catholic missionaries on the Atlantic coast and on the rivers emptying into the Gulf of San Miguel; but the Indians destroyed them all, and remained so little dominated by the white race that a treaty of peace, concluded between Spaniards and native chiefs in 1790, contained a clause by which the Spaniards consented to abandon all their forts in Darien.

I have it in my cabin. Or wait. Perhaps I can remember the way it goes." He paused a moment, and then began: "Then feel I like some watcher of the skies When a new planet swims into his ken; Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He stared at the Pacific and all his men Looked at each other with a wild surmise Silent, upon a peak in Darien." "What noble verse!" exclaimed Ruth.

He made amends for his action by telling them of a country where gold, like Falstaff's reasons, was as plenty as blackberries. Incidentally he gave them the news that Darien was an isthmus, and that the other side was swept by a vaster sea than that which washed its eastern shore. These tidings inspired Balboa and his men.

This resolution was principally forwarded by Balboa, who secretly advised all the principal people to exclude him, yet declared in public that he was for receiving Nicuessa, and even got the public notary to give him a certificate to that effect . After spending eight days among these islands, where he took a few Indians for slaves, Nicuessa made sail for Darien.

These native people, finding themselves engaged with more adversaries than they had imagined, were easily routed; the majority were killed like sheep in a panic. The chiefs escaped. All those who were captured were sent as slaves to Darien, where they were put to work in the fields.

Trustees make a new selection of Settlers Their Proposals successful in Scotland Embarkation of Highlanders for Georgia Indian hieroglyphic letter sent to the Trustees Further emigration of Saltzburgers Great embarkation of Colonists, attended by Oglethorpe and the Missionaries Employment and religious exercises on board during the voyage Arrival Beacon on the Island of Tybee The people go on shore at Peeper's Island Oglethorpe goes to Savannah with the Missionaries Sends provisions and refreshments to the Emigrants Moore's account of the Public Garden Tomo Chichi welcomes his friend Saltzburgers make application for a removal from Ebenezer Oglethorpe sends pioneers to lay out a road to Darien,

At the end of May 1680 Lord Carlisle suddenly departed for England in the frigate "Hunter," leaving Morgan again in charge as lieutenant-governor. On his passage home the governor met with Captain Coxon, who, having quarrelled with his companions in the Pacific, had returned across Darien to the West Indies and was again hanging about the shores of Jamaica.

That same night, Olano, who still remained a prisoner, conversed with some of the people who came from Darien, to incense them against Nicuessa; and when Nicuessa was embarking, he said to some of those who were in his confidence, "Nicuessa fancies he will be as well received by Hojedas men, as by us after his shipwreck at Veragua, but he will probably find a considerable difference."

Almost the only trace of bitterness in Shaw's whole correspondence is over an incident in which he thought his men had been morally disgraced. It had become their duty, immediately after their arrival at the seat of war, to participate, in obedience to fanatical orders from the head of the department, in the sack and burning of the inoffensive little town of Darien on the Georgia coast.