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Updated: August 18, 2024

She made Agib sit by her, and put several questions to him, relating to the walk he had been taking with the eunuch; and when he complained of being hungry, she gave him a piece of cream-tart, which she had made for herself, and was indeed very good: she likewise gave some to the eunuch. The widow of Noor ad Deen Ali observed with regret that her grandson did not like the tart.

She likewise gave part of it to the eunuch; but they had eaten so heartily at Bedreddin's house, that they could not taste it. Agib no sooner touched the piece of cream-tart that had been set before him, than he pretended that he did not like it, and left it uncut. The widow of Noureddin Ali observed, with regret, that her grandson did not like the tart.

The vizier, irritated by the eunuch's frivolous pretences, and convinced of his guilt, ordered him to lie flat upon the ground, and to be soundly bastinadoed. In undergoing this punishment, the poor wretch shrieked out prodigiously, and at last confessed the truth: I own, cried he, that we did eat a cream-tart at the pastry-cook's, and that it was much better than that upon the table.

About two hours before sunset the beautiful Babe-bi-bobu, "the cream-tart of delight," more splendidly dressed than before, again entered the hall of audience, and found to her surprise, that there remained out of the many thousands of young rayahs, not fifty who could pretend to the honour of her hand and throne.

Bedreddin, astonished at the sight, said, with a pitiful tone, Pray, good people, why do you serve me so? What is the matter? What have I done? Was it not you, said they, who sold this eunuch the cream-tart? Yes, replied he, I am the man, and who says any thing against it? I defy any one to make a better.

This said, he took a cream-tart out of the oven, and, after strewing on it some pomegranate kernels and sugar, set it before Agib, who pronounced it very delicious. Another was served up to the eunuch, who gave the same judgment.

The vizier irritated with all the eunuch's frivolous presences, and convinced of his guilt, ordered him to be soundly bastinadoed. In undergoing this punishment, the poor wretch shrieked out aloud, and at last confessed the truth; "I own," cried he, "that we did eat a cream-tart at the pastry cook's, and that it was much better than that upon the table."

On hearing this, the grandmother, frowning upon the eunuch, said, "How now, Shubbaunee, was the care of my grandchild committed to you, to carry him to eat at pastry-shops like a beggar?" "Madam," replied the eunuch, "it is true, we did stop a little while and talked with the pastry-cook, but we did not eat with him." "Pardon me," said Agib, "we went into his shop, and there ate a cream-tart."

All the crime I was charged with, was selling a cream-tart that had no pepper in it. As for that matter, said the beautiful lady, laughing heartily, I must say they did you great injustice.

Bedreddin cried out so comically, that Schemseddin could hardly keep his countenance: Good God, cried he, must I suffer a death, as cruel as ignominious, for not putting pepper in a cream-tart? Must I be rifled, and have all the godds in my house broken in pieces, imprisoned in a chest, and at last nailed to a stake? and all for not putting pepper in a cream-tart!

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