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Later in the week others of the party drifted in upon him, and wanted to cram him with jelly and chickens. "The old man couldn't understand it. He was accustomed to a small sack of coals now and then, accompanied by a long lecture on his sins, and an occasional bottle of dandelion tea. This sudden spurt on the part of Providence puzzled him.

I want a man with a business grip up there. My head will scarcely hold all the things I've been trying to cram into it lately." Mrs. Seaforth glanced at him with a little smile of sympathy, for although the Somasco affairs looked a little more promising now, Alton had been doing the work of several men, and the strain had told on him. She also remembered her husband's sleepless nights.

Yet viewed by the light of experience and of common sense, it would be difficult to conceive of a more preposterous proceeding than thus to cram a religious creed down the throats of half the population of a country by the vote of a political assembly. But it was the seventeenth and not the nineteenth century.

The "gunners" and the cavalry, while fortunately for them not obliged to carry a pack, may take only what they can cram into their haversacks or pack on to their saddles, and that is necessarily somewhat limited in quantity. Kit bags and tents are of course left behind.

When hawking comes in again, as it will one day, by the law of revival, at what height will another man's falcon be an intruder on him who stands gazing up from his corn? Were I a power in the universe, I would cram the air over the heads of such incarnate greeds with clouds of souls!

And when he had won that invaluable lady, he would stuff his mattress with receipted bills, and cram his pillow with cancelled notes, lie down to pleasant dreams, and awake to ready cash. Sweet thought!

James Simonds 4 1 4 3 12 James White 4 1 1 4 10 William Hazen 4 3 3 2 12 George DeBlois 1 1 1 .. 3 Robert Cram 1 1 1 7 10 Zebulon Rowe 1 1 .. 2 4 John Nason 1 1 2 3 7 John Mack 1 .. .. .. 1 Lemuel Cleveland 1 1 1 1 4 Christopher Blake 1 1 .. 2 4 Moses Greenough 1 1 1 .. 3 20 12 14 24 70 Name of Master or Mistress of the Family. Men. Women. Boys. Girls. Total.

Where is she? let me see her! we will cram her into the old oak-tree; there she can hold her marriage festival with the wild-cats. Give her to me! give her to me! I will teach her what marriage is!" And she sprang wildly forward, while the others flung their spears at Marcus.

"I could spend twelve hours having our regular Christmas in the house; and then twelve more outdoors, skating or something; and then twelve more " "Eating," suggested his father, glancing at King's plate. "Well, since we can't have seventy-two hours of it, we must cram all the fun we can into twelve. Who's for a run out of doors before we have our Christmas tree?"

How do you know whether it is a moose or not, and he is more like to get its name right than you, who never saw one afore. "'Moose, said he, 'do you take me for a fool? do you suppose he is a goin' to cram me with such stuff as that?