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She had slipped from his arms and stood before him, dabbing her mouth and eyes now and then with her pocket-handkerchief, controlling herself, crying quietly. She knew, what had not dawned on Nicky yet, that he didn't love her. If he had loved her he would have cared intolerably. He didn't care about Headley Richards because he didn't care about Desmond any more. He was only puzzled.

The Hanseatic League at one time nearly monopolized the whole trade of Europe north of Italy. It was an epoch of associations in which the league arose. The Church was but a society, fighting as an army for its liberty. Each trade had its guild, and none might practise his trade unless he was a member of the particular guild controlling it.

Why he or she should have the power more than anyone else is a very interesting problem. This power may best be defined as the capacity for allowing the bodily powers, physical or mental, to be used by an outside influence. In its higher forms there is temporary extinction of personality and the substitution of some other controlling spirit.

Klota has been telling him some bosh about a presentiment she had, that something terrible is going to happen to us out here in the hills." "And does Sconda believe it, too?" Glen asked, controlling her feelings with a great effort. "Certainly he believes it. I laughed at him, and told him that he should have more sense than to pay any attention to such things." "But suppose he should be right?"

It may be that with the weakness of Canada, compared to the English colonies, sea power could not there have changed the actual issue; but in the condition of the rival nations in India everything depended upon controlling the sea. Such were the relative situations of the three countries in the principal foreign theatres of war.

Its president was the high-priest, and its members were drawn in large degree from the most prominent representatives of the priestly aristocracy. The scribes, however, had a controlling influence because of the reverence in which the multitude held them.

Jinks in a moment of folly took the side of the boy, and, whatever may have been the controlling and predominating cause, the fact is that, when Sam had attained the age of twelve, the Colonel sold the farm and bought one of the best houses in Homeville. Sam at once became a member of the John Wesley Brigade and showed an aptitude for soldiering truly amazing.

Between four and five months elapsed before I was at all capable of commanding my attention or controlling the nervous impatience of mind and body.

If the airship has a lever for controlling the angle of flight, he must study its arrangement, and note how far it must be moved to assume the proper elevating angle. Then come the means for controlling the lateral stability of the machine. All these features should be considered and studied over and over, until you have made them your friends.

Thus the tides would act as a controlling agent of the utmost stringency to hurry the moon round when it was not turning fast enough, and to arrest the motion when going too fast. Peace there would be none for the moon until it yielded absolute compliance to the tyranny of the tides, and adjusted its period of rotation with exact identity to its period of revolution.