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"I kin smell snow two days off, and that there wind comin' up the canyon has got snow behind it, now I'm tellin' ye. 'Nother thing, I kin tell by the way Compadre walks, liftin' his feet high and bushin' up what's left of his tail. That there cat's smarter'n some humans, and he shore kin smell snow comin', same's I do. He hates snow worse'n pizen." Applehead drank his coffee in great gulps.

He promises to bring some flowers to-morrow for the shrine, and he also swears to go a pilgrimage to a church of Mary at Guadaloupe, and to be a kind compadre By Jove, there you are! He's a compadre a blind compadre!" A little while afterwards we were in Becodar's house a low adobe but of two rooms with a red light burning over the door, to guard against the plague.

"He was a good man," the horse-breaker asserted. "If he is dead " The Mexican's frown deepened to a scowl. "What then?" José significantly patted the gift revolver at his hip. "This little fellow will have something to say." Dave looked him over idly, from head to heel, then murmured: "You would do well to go slow, compadre. Panfilo made his own quarrels."

It was he that, when his compadre had been carried off, had buried his wife and children, murdered by the soldiers. "Si, senor," he muttered, hoarsely, "I and two or three others, the lucky ones left at liberty, buried them all in one grave near the ashes of their ranch, under the tree that had shaded its roof."

'Which you better look out a whole lot; you-all may get it yourse'f. "The gyard laughs ugly an' exasperatin' an' puts the ten-gauge in a locker along with two or three Winchesters. Then he turns the key on the firearms an' goes caperin' off to his feed. "The other gyard, his compadre, is settin' on a stool lookin' out a window. Mebby he's considerin' of his sins.

Again they have conquered!" "This Estenega I met and who was compadre with me for the baby is little in California, my father. If it be he who is a member of the Junta, he could hardly rule such men as Alvarado, Jimeno, and Castro. I saw no other Estenega." "True! I must have other enemies in the North; but I had not known of it. But they shall learn of my power in the South.

BARATILLO, a Rag-fair, market of odds and ends; see p. 169. BARBACOA, whence English "barbecue;" see p. 95; a native Haitian word. BARRANCCA, a ravine. CALZONCILLOS, drawers. CAPA, a cloak. CAYO, a coral-reef. CHAPARREROS, over-trousers of goatskin with the hair on, used in riding. CHINGUERITO, Indian-corn brandy. COMPADRE. COMADRE; French, compère, commère; see p. 250.

The emissary and compadre of Hernandez spurred his horse close up. "Has not the master of the mine any message to send to Hernandez, the master of the Campo?" The truth of the comparison struck Charles Gould heavily. In his determined purpose he held the mine, and the indomitable bandit held the Campo by the same precarious tenure. They were equals before the lawlessness of the land.

Go see that party in letter fix you up he's played square with me same as you done." "But who was it " began Pete. "Old bunch. Trailed me too close. Got 'em every dam' one. A más ver. Tengo que marcharme, compadre." And then, "Close the cases," said The Spider.

N. trivirgatus was first described by Humboldt, who discovered it on the banks of the Cassiquiare, near the head waters of the Rio Negro. I kept a pet animal of the N. trivirgatus for many months, a young one having been given to me by an Indian compadre, as a present from my newly-baptised godson.