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'Nay, noan so, Gronny. God cornd love Job better nor I loved him. 'But he willn't ged crushed in a coile seam i' heaven; naa, lass, will he? 'Thaa's reet, Gronny, he willn't. But if He mak's us work here, why does He kill us o'er th' job, as he's killed mi little lad? 'Thaa mun ax Mr. Penrose that, lass; I'm no scholard. 'Aw'll tell thee what it is, Gronny.

Not a iest had they to keepe their auditors from sleepe but of swill and draffe, yes now and then the seruant put his hand into the dish before his master, and almost choakt himselfe, eating slouenly and rauenously to cause sport. The next daie they had solempne disputations, where Luther and Carolostadius scolded leuell coile.

Once more she turned towards the old woman, and said: 'Aw shouldn't ha' caared so mich, Gronny, if he'd deed as yor lad deed i' his own bed, an' wi' a fayver; bud he wur crushed wi' a lump o' coile! Poor little lad! Luk yo' here! and the mother bared the body and showed the discoloured parts. 'Did ta' ever see a child dee o' fayver, lass? 'Not as aw know on.

And when he'd groon up, thaa knows, he could ha' takken care o' me. 'Yi, lass; we're awlus for patchin' th'Almeety's work; and if He leet us, we's mak' a sorry mess on it and o'. 'Well, Gronny, if I wur God Almeety I'd be agen lettin' lumps o' coile fall and crush th' life aat o' lads like aar Job. It's a queer way o' takkin 'em upstairs, as yo' co it.

Or again, if you ever go up Deeside in Scotland, towards Balmoral, and turn up Glen Muick, towards Alt-na-guisach, of which you may see a picture in the Queen's last book, you will observe standing on your right hand, just above Birk Hall, three pretty rounded knolls, which they call the Coile Hills. You may easily know them by their being covered with beautiful green grass instead of heather.

What ist, what ist for a maide fayre and freshe to spend a little lip salue on a hungrie louer. My master beate the bush and kept a coile and a pratling, but I caught the birde, simplicitie and plainnesse shall carrie it awaie in another world.