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Updated: August 1, 2024

Do you know, I am strongly tempted to call you Clarissa?" "I should like it so much better," the girl answered, blushing. "What! may I? Then I'm sure I will. It's such a pretty name, reminding one of that old novel of Richardson's, which everybody quotes and no one ever seems to have read. When will you come, Clarissa?"

He waited as long as he could without making his motive obvious; waited, in the hope that Clarissa would come; and then, as there was no sign of her coming, and Austin was still out, he wished Bessie good-bye. "I shan't forget the locket," he said, as he departed. Austin came in five minutes afterwards.

After this refreshment the first that Clarissa had taken with any approach to appetite since that luckless scene in her brother's painting-room Jane persuaded her mistress to lie down and rest, which she did, falling asleep peacefully, with her boy's bright young head nestling beside her on the pillow.

"I hope you get on very well with Geraldine?" Mr. Fairfax said presently. It was almost the same phrase Lady Laura had used about her sister. "I have seen so little of her yet," Clarissa answered, rather embarrassed by this inquiry. "I should like to know her very much; but she only arrived yesterday, and we have scarcely spoken half-a-dozen words to each other yet."

They rarely met until dinner-time, Clarissa taking her breakfast about three hours before her father left his room.

Brownlow's house; and now, as they wandered about the lawn and shrubberies of Popham Villa, she took care not to be with him out of earshot of the others. In all of which there was ten times more of womanly cleverness, or cunning, shall we say, than had yet come to the possession of Clarissa Underwood.

Lovel, rather fretfully; "she is seldom without a pencil in her hand. What are you looking for, Clarissa, in that owlish way? There's your book on that table." He pointed to the volume Clarissa's other self and perpetual companion the very book she had been sketching in when George Fairfax surprised her by the churchyard wall.

Neefit had almost taught himself to believe that he could love Polly very well; but it was not in this direction that Clarissa looked for an apology for such conduct. "They say that men do all manner of things," she said, at last. "I can only tell you this," said Sir Thomas very gravely, "what men may do I will not say, but no gentleman can ever have acted after this fashion.

A wretch! when can I say, to my infinite regret, on a double account, that all he complains of is owing to himself! O that I may have good tidings from my uncle! Your CLARISSA HARLOWE. Cannot you, without naming me as an adviser, who am hated by the family, contrive a way to let Mrs.

They live in Peletier Street, in a modest apartment just above the office of the Pennsylvania Petroleum Company. Sir Thorn and Mrs. Brian are there also. They have only kept two servants, Ernest, the count's valet, and a certain Clarissa." The name of the vile creature whose treachery had been one of the principal causes of Henrietta's misfortunes did not strike her ear.

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