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'Who saw them go through Chippenham! He had not long to wait for the answer. 'They never went through Chipnam! a thick voice hiccoughed from the rear of the press. 'They came this way out of Calne, Sir George retorted, singling the speaker out, and signing to the people to make way that he might get at him.

Indeed, it ought to be a good deal heartier, for you have been living among them all your life, while I have been away for the most part ever since I was a boy." Four days later they went down to Chippenham. Mr. Norton, the steward, was on the platform when the train came in. "Welcome home again, sir," he said warmly, as Frank stepped from the carriage.

Lye has exhibited fuchsias at exhibitions held at Bath, Trowbridge, Devizes, Calne, Chippenham, and elsewhere; on all occasions staging specimens of a high order of merit; but the plants appearing in our illustration were universally regarded as the best he had ever placed in an exhibition tent.

Meanwhile the number of malcontents in England was considerably increased by the king's attachment to the whig faction. The clamour of the church's being in danger was revived; jealousies were excited; seditious libels dispersed; and dangerous tumults raised in different parts of the kingdom. Birmingham, Bristol, Chippenham, Norwich, and Reading, were filled with licentious riot.

And so the remnant of the army are allowed to march out of their fortified camp, and to recross the Avon into Mercia, not quite five months after the day of their winter attack and the seizing of Chippenham. The northern army went away to Cirencester, where they stayed over the winter, and then returning into East Anglia settled down there, and Alfred and Wessex hear no more of them.

We are inclined to think that he even still hesitated, and that his hesitation caused the increase in the hostile majority. He must go he has to go people said; and the sooner we make this clear to him the better. Anyhow, the end was near. The Chippenham election was carried against him by a majority of sixteen 241 votes against 225.

He went to Chippenham and Swindon, and then by the train to Loring. He had no very definite plan formed for himself. He rather thought that he would call at Miss Marrable's house, call if possible when Mary Lowther was not there, and learn from the elder lady something of the facts of the case.

If I were certain of it, I could not meet him without telling him my opinion of him." "You are not likely to meet him here, Squire. A year ago he happened to be over at Chippenham one market day. There were a dozen of us there, and I can tell you we gave him such a reception that he mounted his horse and rode straight on again.

We have so much to think about now, and there will be so many arrangements to be made." "I quite agree with you. I will put it all in the hands of Rafters, of Chippenham. I think that it is only right to give it to local people. We shall want two big marquees, one for your tenants and mine and their wives and families, and the other for all the labourers and farm servants."

But Ælfred had hardly disbanded his troops when his enemies, roused by the arrival of fresh hordes eager for plunder, reappeared at Chippenham, and in the opening of 878 marched ravaging over the land. The surprise of Wessex was complete, and for a month or two the general panic left no hope of resistance.