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"We've decided on pink candytuft for the border and single pink hollyhocks for the background with foxgloves right in front of them to cover up the stems at the bottom where they haven't many leaves and a medium height phlox in front of that for the same reason."

Then there are patches of candytuft running from white into pink, crimson flowers of the little crane's-bill, and spurges whose floral leaves are now losing their golden green and taking a hue of fiery brown. An open wood, chiefly of dwarf oak, and shrubs such as the wayfaring tree, the guelder-rose, and the fly-honeysuckle, now stretches along the opposite side of the gorge.

For an hour, in the soft glow of the sun now, sinking in the heavens, they wandered through the grounds and separate gardens of the old estate, now walking the length of the long avenue, shaded by great elms of more than century age, now around the lawn with its beds of bleeding-hearts and snowdrops, of wall-flowers and sweet-William, of hyacinths and tulips, with their borders of violets and cowslips, of candytuft and verbenas, and at the old sun-dial they stopped and read the hour.

Here was a bed of irises, with smooth blade-like stalks, snaky roots, the flowers of incredible shapes, yet no two exactly alike, all splashed and dappled with the richest colours; and then the mixture of blended fragrance; the hot, honied smell of the candytuft, with aromatic spicy scents of flowers that he could not name.

Some varieties are charmingly variegated. Being quite tender it should not be sown until one is sure of warm weather. A very showy plant, with rich yellow flowers, marked with brown, maroon and scarlet at the base of the petal. A most excellent plant where great masses of color are desired. Fine for combining with scarlet and other strong-toned flowers. An all-the-season bloomer. Candytuft.

Most of the plots were given over to vegetables, even those cared for by small children, for the addition of a few extras to the family table was more to be desired than the bringing home of a bunch of flowers, but even the most provident children had the pleasure of picking the white candytuft or blue ageratum, or red and yellow dwarf nasturtiums that formed the borders.

I never see a girl of her years more capable, if I do say so, an' she always looks as neat an' pretty as a new pin, whatever she's doin', too. Why don't you come over to us, if you're lonely? We'd all admire to have you! There, we've got that row cleaned out real good s'posin' we tackle the candytuft, now, if you feel like it."

To see your seed grow, and your plant live and bloom, does not surprise you at all. But how astonished you would be if, in the spot where you had sown white candytuft, you were to find yellow tulips! Such a thing can never be; for the mother-plant from which the seed came must always produce plants of its own kind.

GRIM-THE-COLLIER. This is an old inhabitant of our gardens, and affords a pleasing variety. HOTTONIA palustris. WATER VIOLET. This is a plant of singular beauty in spring; it is an aquatic, and makes a fine appearance in our ponds in the time of its bloom. IBERIS amara. CANDYTUFT. An annual flower of considerable beauty and interest. We have several varieties of this sold in the seed-shops.

There came out a book, a wonderful big book, Grimm's Tales; and some little papers fell to the floor. These were flower seeds, bags labeled "Petunia," "Candytuft," "Double Balsam," "Portulaca." "Why, Prissy!" shouted Miss Hoskins in her ear as she picked them up, and read the names; "them's elegant things!