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Updated: August 1, 2024

It's the second she's had from New York in three days." "It's from Miss Banks. They correspond, Anderson," said Mrs. Crow. "And say, Eva, I've decided on one thing. We've got to calculate on gittin' along without that thousand dollars after this." "Why, An der son Crow!" "Yep. We're goin' to find her folks, no matter if we do have to give up the thousand. It's no more'n right.

I have had occasion to remark, while upon this pilgrimage, or rather long afterwards, for I was but little versed then in the science of reflection that it is impossible to calculate upon the capabilities of either body or mind, until they are drawn out by some occasion of peculiar interest, in which those of either or both are thrown upon their own energies and resources.

He should have struck while the iron was hot, and it was heated now nearly to melting; but he was abashed by his own position, and having something real in his heart, having some remnant of generous feeling left about him, he could not make such progress as he might have done had he been cool enough to calculate all his advantages.

Then Fitzwalker Tookey assumed a very long face. It is difficult to trace the workings of such a man's mind, or to calculate the meagre chances on which he is too often driven to base his hopes of success. He feared that he could not show his face in Kimberley, unless as the representative of the whole old Stick-in-the-Mud.

One only danger remains. It is the seductions of that branch of the system which consists in internal improvements, holding out, as it does, inducements to the people of particular sections and localities to embark the Government in them without stopping to calculate the inevitable consequences.

With the influence which he, as high priest, would have with the king and council he could rely upon her obtaining a share of the estate, especially as the villain would calculate that Chebron as well as his father would be put out of the way.

"And then," says I, "I did calculate to pay some attention to store- clothes. I did want to get me a new calico dress, London brown with a set flower on it. But I can do without that dress, and the upper 10 can do without me, better than the Nation can do without Peace." I felt as if I must tend to it: I fairly hankered to do away with war, immejiately and to once.

I am verily persuaded that a great number of them fell in the heat of the calamity, having ventured to stay upon the prospect of getting great estates; and indeed their gain was but too great for a time, through the madness and folly of the people. But now they were silent; many of them went to their long home, not able to foretell their own fate or to calculate their own nativities.

We calculate that it would be over £500, for the Earl of Cork paid £1000 a year for his two sons, their governor, only two servants and only saddle-horses: whereas Lassels hints that no one with much pretension to fashion could go through Paris without a coach followed by three lacqueys and a page.

But before going any farther I make a few observations, to calculate the distance we have gone over, and note them in my journal. We have crossed two hundred and seventy leagues of sea since leaving Port Gräuben; and we are six hundred and twenty leagues from Iceland, under England. This distance carries the travellers as far as under the Pyrenees if the league measures three miles.

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