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I thought it was my tyrannical governess already returned from her walk, and that she had surprised me with this book." "Without doubt she forbade you to read it," said her mother, gravely, stretching out her hand for the book, but Camilla drew it back suddenly. "Yes, certainly, Madame Brunnen forbade me to read this book; but that is no reason, mamma, why you should take it away from me.

As you walk across the little valley which stretches down from the hills to the lake where Brunnen is, you remember that it is the town of Schwyz you come to, where dwelt once the hardy, valorous little colony which gave its name to Switzerland, famous in the annals of this stout-hearted mountain-land for the "peculiar fire" with which they have always fought for their ancient freedom, worthy to leave their name, in lasting token of the service they did to their fellows and to mankind.

Is it fanciful to think that into the mind comes a little of the beauty of the older world when roofs were flat and men meditated under the stars and saw visions in the night? Once upon a time I crossed the city of Nuremberg after dark; the market cleared of all traces of its morning sale, the "Schöner Brunnen" at its edge, the narrow defile leading to the citadel, the climb at the top.

TELL. I heard him say, as I lay bound on board, His purpose was to disembark at Brunnen; And, crossing Schwytz, convey me to his castle. FISHERMAN. Means he to go by land? TELL. So he intends. FISHERMAN. Oh, then, conceal yourself without delay! Not twice will heaven release you from his grasp. TELL. Which is the nearest way to Arth and Kuessnacht?

Nearly opposite Brunnen is the meadow of Grütli, where the union of the Swiss patriots took place, and the bond was sealed that enabled them to cast off their chains. It is a little green slope on the side of the mountain, between the two Cantons of Uri and Unterwalden, surrounded on all sides by precipices.

You must not smile, gentle reader, and say cooks are often handsomer than Countesses, or chambermaids prettier than Honourables; I am like the old man of the Bubbles of Brunnen, insensible to anything but the beauties of nature. Neither must you think we have no Countesses nor Honourables in Canada.

I have often wondered what became of him. The Boches had evidently not expected to give up their conquests, for they had built an enormous stone-and-brick fountain in the centre of the town, and chiselled its name, "Hindenburg Brunnen."

From Brunnen, it was our plan to walk along the Axenstrasse, to Fluelen, a distance of five or six miles. There were three of us, with an elder for guide. I wish you could have spent that afternoon with us with me, strolling along that wonderful road, cut out of the mountain side bordering the lake.

I took a slight cold on an excursion which we made with our visitor to Brunnen on Lake Lucerne, and thus brought on my thirteenth attack of erysipelas.

In the low valleys, too, the Alzeller Will gain confederates and rouse the country. MELCHTHAL. But how shall we communicate, and not Awaken the suspicion of the tyrants? STAUFFACHER. Might we not meet at Brunnen or at Treib, Hard by the spot where merchant-vessels land? FURST. We must not go so openly to work. Hear my opinion.