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Updated: August 23, 2024

Contades has nineteen bridges ready on the Bastau Brook, in front of him; TATTOO this night, in Contades's Camp, is to mean GENERAL MARCH, 'March, all of you, across these nineteen Bridges, to your stations on the Plain or Heath of Minden yonder, and be punctual, like the clock! Broglio crosses Weser by the town Bridge, ranks himself opposite Todtenhausen; and through the livelong night there is, on the part of the 50,000 French, a very great marching and deploying.

How is thy young master, Gino; and is he likely to obtain his claims of the senate?" "He cools himself in the Giudecca in the morning; and if thou would'st know what he does at evening, thou hast only to look among the nobles in the Broglio."

The ridotti, the informal clubs of Venice in those days, were important centres of influence political, legislative, and literary; and there was a certain palazzo Morosini, well known to many of the senators who gathered in the Broglio, where questions of vital interest to the thinkers and rulers of Venice were discussed with the degree of knowledge that might have been expected from so eminent a company as that which made the home of the distinguished senator Andrea Morosini the scene of its ridotto, and where freedom of speech was much greater than seemed wise in the candid sunshine of the Piazza.

After having from day to day delayed these very disagreeable steps, I at length took courage, and called upon Madam de Beuzenval. She received me with kindness; and Madam de Broglio entering the chamber, she said to her: "Daughter, this is M. Rousseau, of whom Father Castel has spoken to us."

Ferdinand had soon to quit the Diemel, or to find it useless for him, and to try other methods, fencing gallantly, but too weak for Broglio; and, on the whole, had a difficult Campaign of it, against that considerable Soldier with forces so superior. Friedrich stayed hardly one day in Neissen Country; Silesia, in the jaws of destruction, requiring such speed from him.

The Belleisle-Broglio grand Budweis Expedition is gone totally heels over head; Belleisle and Broglio are getting, step by step, shut up in Prag and besieged there: while Maillebois Let us try whether, by snatching out here a fragment and there a fragment, with chronological and other appliances, it be not possible to give readers some conceivable notion of what Friedrich was now looking at with such interest!

Depend on me, I bid you! And kept his word to an honorable degree, they say; or in absence, made it be kept, during the Four Years that follow. Soubise soon went home, to assist in important businesses, Invasion of England, no less; let England look to itself this Summer! and Broglio succeeded him, as Army-Captain in the Frankfurt parts; with laurels accruing, more or less.

Our Basville and his son-in-law, the Marshal Broglio, bore the fame of having massacred them all. Gabriel also, who had become a soldier in Montpellier, was recognized and executed, and the lovely Isabelle from fear, in the dungeon of Grenoble, retracted from her faith, and thus all had the appearance of tranquillity.

"Poor Kaiser Karl had left Augsburg June 26th, while his Broglio was ferrying at Donauworth, and his Seckendorf treatying for Armistice at Nieder-Schonfeld, the very day before Dettingen. What a piece of news to him, that Dettingen, on his return to Frankfurt!

Broglio, we said, is right wing; strong in artillery and infantry. Broglio is to root out Waugenheim: after which, or even before which, if Wangenheim is kept busy and we are nimble, what becomes of Ferdinand's left flank, with a gap of three miles between Wangenheim and him, and 10,000 chosen horse to take advantage of it!

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