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He was alone in his counting-room when he read it; and there Franz Blumenthal found him dead, with the letter in his hand. His sudden exit of course aroused the vigilance of creditors, and their examination into the state of his affairs proved anything but satisfactory. The sisters, unconscious of all this, were undisturbed by any anxiety concerning future support.

Blumenthal to have their house in readiness for their return; an arrangement which Flora and her children hailed with merry shouts and clapping of hands.

"We have already summoned one on the way," said young Blumenthal, "but I will go to hasten him"; and, half blinded by his tears, he hurried into the street. The doctor came in two minutes, and yet it seemed an age. Meanwhile the wretched girls were chafing their father's cold hands, and holding sal-volatile to his nose, while Madame Guirlande and Tulipa were preparing hot water and hot cloths.

Sometimes the sisters, while they worked, sang together the hymns they had been accustomed to sing with their father on Sundays; and memory of the missing voice imparted to their tones a pathos that no mere skill could imitate. One day, when they were thus occupied, the door-bell rang, and they heard a voice, which they thought they recognized, talking with Madame. It was Franz Blumenthal.

Chandler," as you would all agree, gentlemen, if you had seen them; for they are fancy articles, A No. 1." "Is it certain the young ladies are slaves?" inquired Blumenthal, with a degree of agitation that attracted attention toward him. "It is certain," replied Mr. Bruteman. "Their mother was a slave, and was never manumitted."

Almost unconsciously, Archie found himself bracing his muscles and holding his breath as he had done in France at the approach of the zero hour, when awaiting the first roar of a barrage. He listened mechanically to the conversation of Mr. Blumenthal. The music-publisher was talking with some vehemence on the subject of Labour. A recent printers' strike had bitten deeply into Mr.

I have never known this lady that she has not had some eligible youth hovering about in some such attitude as that, undergoing the softening process. She looks wonderfully well, from here. It's extraordinary how those women last!" "You don't mean, I take it, when you talk about 'those women, that Madame Blumenthal is not embalmed, for duration, in a certain infusion of respectability?"

King's saying: "Blumenthal, you haven't asked for news concerning Mrs. Fitzgerald. You know Mr. Green has been a widower for some time. Report says that he finds in her company great consolation for the death of her cousin." "That's what I call a capital arrangement," said Flora; "and I didn't mean any joke about their money, either. Won't they sympathize grandly? Won't she be in her element?

Don't ask me for opinions, however; content yourself with a few facts and with an anecdote. Madame Blumenthal is Prussian, and very well born. I remember her mother, an old Westphalian Grafin, with principles marshalled out like Frederick the Great's grenadiers.

Tack right along now, lads, while I go down the street an' get me some breakfast. I don't want Blumenthal to see me around that sale. He might get suspicious. After I eat I'll meet you here aboard th' Maggie, an' we'll divide the loot." With a fervent hand-shake all around, the three shipmates parted. After disposing of a hearty breakfast of devilled lamb's kidneys and coffee, Mr.