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Pliny, Holland's translation, Bk. XIX, Chap. V, Sect. 26. The study of the anatomy of mummies has thrown a very interesting light upon the diseases of the ancient Egyptians, one of the most prevalent of which appears to have been osteo-arthritis. This has been studied by Elliot Smith, Wood Jones, Ruffer and Rietti.

It's not easy to do that: but they had some reason to feel bothered, as that surgeon would assuredly feel bothered who, upon proceeding to dissect a subject, should find the subject retaliating as a dissector upon himself, especially if Joanna ever made the speech to them which occupies v. 354-391, bk. iii.

The influence of Christianity on the position of women has been well discussed by Lecky, History of European Morals, vol. ii, pp. 316 et seq., and more recently by Donaldson, Woman, Bk. iii. Migne, Patrologia, vol. clviii, p. 680. Rosa Mayreder, "Einiges über die Starke Faust," Zur Kritik der Weiblichkeit, 1905.

Between the creative imagination and rational investigation there is a community of nature both presuppose the ability of seizing upon likenesses. See especially J. Philippe, "La déformation et les transformations des images" in Revue Philosophique, May and November, 1897. On Intelligence, Vol. I, Bk. ii, Chap. 2. Sully, Human Mind, I, p. 365; James, Psychology, I, p. 502.

Five years later G. F. Lassen found, at Copenhagen, a fragment of Bk. vi believed to be written in North Zealand, and in the opinion of Bruun belonging to the same codex as Kall-Rasmussen's fragment.

It is interesting to read so early a bitter criticism of the famous "Theriaca," a great compound medicine invented by Antiochus III, which had a vogue for fifteen hundred years. Bk. VIII, Chap. But we must return to Galen and his works, which comprise the most voluminous body of writings left by any of the ancients.

But the other portion, BC, pressing vertically against the concave surface, BK, becomes gradually diminished in its velocity in relation to the earth, and produces and effect known as "reaction."

Sir Thomas Browne: Pseudodoxia Epidemica, Bk. IV, Chap. As late as 1699, a thesis was discussed at the Paris Faculty, "Whether comets were harbingers of disease," and in 1707 the Faculty negatived the question propounded in a thesis, "Whether the moon had any sway on the human body."

Cleasby died in 1847, but the work he had planned was not published until 1874, when it appeared under the editorship of Mr. Bickerstaff's Padlock, Act I. Sc. 6. Don Quixote, Pt. I. Bk. II. Cap. 2. Friends of Joanna Baillie's and John Richardson's. This must have been an unusual experience for the head of a family that considered itself to be the oldest in Christendom.

Olive Schreiner believes that feminine parasitism is a danger which really threatens society at the present time, and that if not averted "the whole body of females in civilized societies must sink into a state of more or less absolute dependence." Herodotus, Bk. ii, Ch. XXXV. Herodotus noted that it was the woman and not the man on whom the responsibility for supporting aged parents rested.