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"Oh, goody, goody!" shouted little Patsy, his pale, beautiful face aglow with delight. "Poor little manny!" groaned Carroll to his wife, looking after the pair as they rode off up the trail. "It's not many ye'll be after lickin', except with yer tongue." "But, begorra," said his wife, "that's the lickin' that hurts, afther all. An' it's harrd tellin' what'll be comin' till the lad."

Mr Lynch will excuse me: we've known each other a long time." "Begorra, I don't know," said the girl, "only he's in bed and fast. Couldn't yer honer call agin about four or five o'clock? That's the time the masther's most fittest to be talking to the likes of yer honer." "These gentlemen could not wait," said the parson.

There's his ugly yalle'r face now toorned this way foreninst you, Misther Gray-ham. Begorra hee don't look a day oulder, if a troifle uglier since I sayed him last!" "And is he a Chinaman?" I asked, full of curiosity; "a real, live Chinaman from the East?"

Brooke had listened thoughtfully to all that had thus far been said. The Carlist chief was a puzzle to him, but he saw that there was talk of holding to ransom, which to him had an ugly sound. "Sir," said he, "are we to be kept prisoners in this tower?" "This tower, is it?" said "His Majesty." "Begorra, I hope not. There's another tower a dale betther nor this.

So away wid him, and the dhrums and fifes playing, an' a dozen more unforthunate bliggards just listed along with him, an' he shakin' hands wid the sargent, and swearin' agin the women every minute, until, be the time he kem to himself, begorra, he was a good ten miles on the road to Dublin, an' Molly and all behind him.

Two or three dirty hands were thrust out to catch the gown of the woman, who was groping for the latch of the door. "No." "No? Where's Kit Small, then?" "Begorra! on the spools. Alleys behint, though we helped her, we dud. An wid ye! Let Deb alone! It's ondacent frettin' a quite body.

It's stronger than whisky, for one good drop iv it will make you drunk for one year, and sick, begorra, for a dozen. It's stronger than the say, for it'll carry you round the world an' never let you sink, in sunshine or storm; an', begorra, it's stronger than Death himself, for it is not afeard iv him, bedad, but dares him in every shape.

I can undershtand Frinch like a native so I shall know everything that you say but begorra the Oirish brogue of me makes it difficult for thim froggies to undershtand me when I shpake to thim." "All right," I answered, perfectly easy in my mind, "you can stand alongside me, and hear everything that passes."

Slim was completely exhausted; but before another comber rolled in those who were strong managed to drag the weaker ones out of the reach of the undertow. There was only a fitful light on sea and shore. The castaways lay in a panting group, looking at each other dripping with brine, and very miserable. "Begorra!" exclaimed Irish Jemmy at last, "I broke me poipe.

But begorra, there's more ways o' killin' a dog than by chokin' him wid butther." There is a growing feeling among the farmers that the land will be heavily taxed to raise revenue, and that this means expatriation to the labouring classes, who will swarm to England in greater numbers than ever.