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Wrote to Loch, suggesting it, and at the same time advised him to answer the paragraphs respecting half-Batta, and not give misrepresentations too much head. October 20. Two letters from the Duke, written very hastily. It is evident he did not like my making a sketch of a letter to Lord Heytesbury, and that he does not like any difference of opinion as to the Batta question.

Howard in his little Ark-Royal "the odd ship of the world for all conditions" was engaged at different times with Bertendona, of the Italian squadron, with Alonzo de Leyva in the Batta, and with other large vessels. He was hard pressed for a time, but was gallantly supported by the Nonpareil, Captain Tanner; and after a long and confused combat, in which the St. Mark, the St. Luke, the St.

Howard in his little Ark-Royal "the odd ship of the world for all conditions" was engaged at different times with Bertendona, of the Italian squadron, with Alonzo de Leyva in the Batta, and with other large vessels. He was hard pressed for a time, but was gallantly supported by the Nonpareil, Captain Tanner; and after a long and confused combat, in which the St. Mark, the St. Luke, the St.

John Marsden, who went thither to be present at the funeral of one of their chiefs, observed two old monuments in stone, one the figure of a man, the other of a man on an elephant, tolerably well executed, but they know not by whom, nor is there any among them who could do the same work now. The features were strongly Batta.

I do not depart from my original idea that Russia does all this to gain time, and with as much perfidy as she has shown throughout. Polignac would take a loyal view if he durst. I cannot see the Duke till Monday, as he does not return to London till Sunday evening. I saw Hardinge and had a long talk with him about Batta, &c. October 24. Chairs at 11.

When he heard how the alarm had been given, and how they had at once mounted and ridden out, just as a party were about to enter the hut, he said: "It was well done, and shows that you are quick fellows, as well as brave. I shall report your conduct when we join the army, and shall myself give you a batta of six months' pay.

He thought that Lord Chandos had accepted, and the Duke seems to have thought so too. A very good account from Ireland. The country gradually and quietly coming round. Sunday, February 7. Cabinet. First, Batta. The Duke gave his decided opinion in favour of adhering to the present order.

Rajah Bandaharra, a Batta, and one of the chiefs of Tappanooly, asserted that he was present at a festival of this kind about eight years ago, at the village of Subluan, on the other side of the bay, not nine miles distant, where the heads may still be seen. When the party is a prisoner taken in war, he is eaten immediately, and on the spot.

Trustees may only convert into the 3 1/2 per cents. March 20. Chairs at 11. They have made some alterations in the letter to the Indian Government respecting their conduct, and have praised Lord William for his perseverance, &c. This is contrary to the Duke's view and to mine. I shall see whether I can allow their amendments. I find they have likewise altered much in the letter relative to Batta.

Unless indeed the Russians, after occupying China, turn the Oxus into its old course, and thus enable themselves to carry goods by water carriage to the foot of the Himalaya, or rather within 250 miles of Cabul. February 5. Received last night a note from the Duke asking me, if I could, to have a Cabinet to-day on Batta. If I could not, to send Peel the letters of Malcolm, &c.