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He marched forward to continue his rounds, leaving the astonished divisional officer wondering if he was also to form special detachments of red-faced sailors, white-faced sailors, snub-nosed sailors, and bandy-legged sailors.

The Dodo keeps no pens but steel pens; and those I always stick through the paper, and can turn to no other account. What am I to do? Even if I could have the bandy-legged baby knocked up and brought here, I could offer him nothing but sherry, and that would be the death of him. He would never hold up his head again if he touched it.

There are two prizes a velvet cap, embroidered by the hand of the Princess, and a chain of massive gold, of enormous value. Both lie on cushions before her. "I know which I shall choose, when I win the first prize," says a swarthy, savage, and bandy-legged archer, who bears the owl gules on a black shield, the cognizance of the Lord Rowski de Donnerblitz.

* Two great clans fought out a quarrel with thirty men of a side, in presence ot the king, on the North Inch of Perth, on or about the year 1392; a man was amissing on one side, whose room was filled by a little bandy-legged citizen of Perth. But there's ae thing sair again ye Rob has a grey mear in his stable at hame." "A grey mare?" said I. "What is that to the purpose?"

But when morning came, and he danced blithely back from washing himself at the horse-trough, all ready to start for home, he found the little roan cross-bridled as before between the master-player's gray and the bandy-legged fellow's sorrel mare. "What, there! cast him loose," said he to the horse-boy who held the three. "I am not going on with the players I'm to go back to Stratford."

"Thou whelp!" cried the bandy-legged man, and aimed a sudden blow at Nick, "I'll teach thee to hold thy tongue." "Oh, no, ye won't," quoth Thomas Webster, interposing his long oak staff, and thrusting the fellow away so hard that he thumped against the wall; "there is no school on holidays! Thou'lt teach nobody here to hold his tongue but thine own self and start at that straightway.

For his own safety's sake, the bandy-legged man struck up into a better thoroughfare, where he skulked along like a fox overtaken by dawn, fearing to meet some dog he knew. "Oh, Gregory, go slow!" pleaded Cicely, panting for breath, and stumbling over the cobblestones. Goole's only answer was a scowl.

Once some bandy-legged, lurching creature, an ant-eater or a bear, scuttled clumsily amid the shadows. It was the only sign of earth life which I saw in this great Amazonian forest. And yet there were indications that even human life itself was not far from us in those mysterious recesses.

Among the squatted circle there were a bandy-legged drummer, and a blotched-faced fifer, from the adjacent barracks, both in their regimentals. They rose, and capped to my uniform. We were welcomed with shouts of congratulations.

Honest Pietro! thy wishes were contained within a small compass! thy little brown cur, snarling and bandy-legged thy raw-boned steeds these were thy first care; the safety of thy conveyance, and its various inmates, the second.