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He was of short stature and lacked the protuberant rotundity of President Bambos. Like him his mustache was of glossy blackness and was waxed to needle-like points, but the hair of General Yozarro was cropped and there was a white sprinkling about the temples and behind the ears. This, with the crows' feet and wrinkles, showed that he was fully ten years the senior of his brother President.

The boundary line between Atlamalco and Zalapata runs through these mountains, but its precise course has never been defined. The Castle rightfully belonged to Atlamalco, but General Bambos claimed that it stood on his territory.

"Which is likely to be bad for you, Captain, unless Bambos is anxious after all to go to war, as he pretended the other day." "I think," said Martella, "he means to get more men and attack the boat." "But where will he get the men from? He is a long way from Atlamalco." "Yet not very far from Castillo Descanso, where he has quite a force as you know."

It was bulky and broad, was in gorgeous uniform of blue and gilt, with the golden sash high up in front and low at the back, and the point of his scabbard touching the deck. "What the mischief is General Bambos doing there?" "Probably he is a self-invited guest," suggested Captain Guzman. "True, and I can afford to welcome him; it is fortunate that the yacht took aboard new supplies at San Luis."

He was the great Liberator, born in Venezuela in 1783, who freed Peru, which then became Bolivia, and was rejected by Colombia, because she did not know how to appreciate his greatness. His was the finest character ever produced by South America." "I am glad to hear that you appreciate him," said General Bambos, his small black eyes glowing.

No flag of truce had been called into use, and the American, after having forcibly captured the boat of the other, had voluntarily placed himself in his power, following the suggestion of General Bambos and his own impulses.

The other returned the salute but did not speak. His weapon was still in his hand and not a movement below eluded him. Generals Bambos and Yozarro were standing beside each other, the latter with his handkerchief still in his hand, though he ceased to flutter it, since the necessity had passed. Now and then the two spoke in low tones, for the turmoil was succeeded by a hush that was impressive.

"I have just discovered that General Bambos has obtained a boat somewhere and is descending the river with the undoubted purpose of attacking Atlamalco." "Let us hasten back ahead of him," said his startled niece, who like her friend was in dismay over the tidings. "It will never do to flee before him; he must be kept from reaching our capital; a battle with him is a necessity."

Before reaching its present destination, the Warrenia came to the little republic of Zalapata, where a pause was made for two or three days, during which the Major and the young ladies called upon General Bambos, the President and Dictator, who treated them with the utmost consideration.

General Bambos, holding to a stanchion with one hand, reached down with the other and helped his illustrious compatriot to climb upon his own property, the others following more nimbly, until all had transferred themselves, and the catboat was made fast by one of the crew.