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But no matter spite of him I'll have my swing the day, and it's I that will tear away with a good horse under me and a good whip over him in a capital style, up and down the street of Ballynavogue, for you, Miss Car'line Flaherty! Honor. Gerald O'Blaney! Oh, brother! Mercy! Don't! any thing rather than that Phil. Honor. Phil. Phoo! you've taken a prejudice.

But that was long ago, if it ever was. There's sacrets in all families to be forgotten bad to be raking the past. I never knew you so sharp on a neighbour, Honor, before: what ails ye? Honor. Phil. Let me go, then! Nonsense! the boys of Ballynavogue will be wondering, and Miss Car'line most. "Oh the boys of Ball'navogue." HONOR, alone. Honor. Oh, Phil!

None in life as yet, ma'am only just buying and selling. The horse-bastes, and horned-cattle, and pigs squeaking, has it all to themselves. But it's early times yet it won't be long so. Catty. No McBrides, no Ballynavogue boys gathering yet? Pat. None to signify of the McBrides, ma'am, at all. Catty.

I say, my good people of Ballynavogue and Ballynascraw, I stand here really in unspeakable concern and astonishment, to notice at this fair-time in my barony, these symptoms of a riot, gentlemen, and features of a tumult. Catty.

He has made the proposhal for you in form this day. Honor. And what answer from you, father? Old McB. Don't be looking so pale, I tould him he had my consint, if he could get yours. And, oh! before you speak, Honor dear, think what it would be up and down in Ballynavogue, and every other place in the county, assizes days and all, to be Mistress Gerald O'Blaney! Honor.

What's he doing in Ballynavogue the day? Pat. Standing he is there, in the fair-green with his score of fat bullocks, that he has got to sell. Catty. Fat bullocks! Them, I reckon, will go towards Honor McBride's portion, and a great fortin she'll be for a poor man but I covet none of it for me or mine. Pat. I'm sure of that, ma'am, you would not demane yourself to the likes. Catty.

I got a great character of his honour. I'd sooner come before your honour than any jantleman in all Ireland. I'm sure your honour will stand my frind. Clerk. Silence! Mr. Carv. Misguided people of Ballynavogue and Ballynascraw CARVER pronounces the word "Ballynavogue," CATTY curtsies, and all the ROONIES, behind her, bow, and answer Here, plase your honour.

Then it's plain them McBrides dare not be showing their faces, or even their backs, in Ballynavogue. But sure all our Ballynascraw boys, the Roonies, are in it as usual, I hope? Pat. Oh, ma'am, there is plinty of Roonies. I marked Big Briny of Cloon, and Ulick of Eliogarty, and little Charley of Killaspugbrone. Catty. All good men no better. Praise be where due. Pat.

Old McB. Well, there's many that way, neither born nor bred, but that does very well in the world; and think what it would be to live in the big shingled house, in Ballynavogue, with him! Honor. I'd rather live here with you, father. Old McB. Then I thank you kindly, daughter, for that, but so would not I for you, and then the jaunting-car, or a coach, in time, if he could!

Nobody can expect more, and I hope and trust you'll find mine an easy place Bloomsbury, you will tell her, what will be required of her. The High Road A Cottage in view Turf-stack, Hay-rick, &c. Catty Rooney alone, walking backwards and forwards. Catty. 'Tis but a stone's throw to Ballynavogue.