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If you d-did, n-now we've s-s-s-saved you from S-Snider you'd be in a f-friendly f-f-frame of mind, and we could t-turn the b-boat over to you, everything f-forgiven, and no k-k-k-questions asked." "It belongs to Captain Bannister, and I wish you'd tell me where he is," I answered. "D-D-Do you think you can s-s-square us with B-B-B-Baluster?" "Ye-es, I guess so."

I heard about these here burglars, so I thought it couldn't do any harm to have a gun ready." "F-Father! How'd he know?" "Well, he could put two and two together when he heard I'd lost her from Mulliken's Wharf. Besides he's seen a feller that saw you off Squid Cove yesterday." "C-Captain B-B-Baluster, I wouldn't s-steal your b-boat again f- for a th-th-th-m-million dollars.

By this time they came within sight of the landing where they had left the boat, and Pepper, who had run on ahead, suddenly raised such an outcry that the others rushed forward in alarm. "What is the matter?" shouted Rand. "The b-boat," stammered Pepper. "What is the matter with it?" asked Donald. "It's g-g-gone!" "Gone! where?" demanded Jack. "How should I know?" replied Pepper.

As soon as we swung around they began to yell " "L-L-Like b-b-blue b-b-blazes! Th-There was one g-great b-b-big d-d-d-d-d-duffer, about t-t-ten f-feet t-t-tall! He w-was the one I s-saw in the b-boat w-while we were eating s-supper, w-with the pup-pup-pitchfork..." "That was Eb," I remarked, "it's lucky he didn't catch you!" "E-E-Eb?" "Yes. He's the constable. Savagest man I ever saw.

"You see," said Spike, "we got so sick of all this Kidd talk that we thought we might as well get something out of it." "B-Besides," said the other, "w-we were d-d-d-desperate. W-We g- got this f-f-flag s-skull and cross-bones, you know that we had on our b-boat, the 'J-J-Jolly Roger, last summer, and we l-l-lit out for W-W-Woodwell's Wharf to f-f-f-f-fool F-Father.

It was p- pretty f-f-foggy when we got to the wharf, and we s-saw it wouldn't be s-safe for F-Father and M-M-Mother and B-Betty and Alice and the b-b-baby to go sailing, anyhow. But there wasn't any b-boat at W-Woodwells, she was over at M-M-Mulliken's Wharf. So w-we s-skun around, and g-got aboard, hoisted the s-sail, and s-started down the river.

"If they do," replied Spike, "they'll only get aboard this boat through a perfectly murderous fire of raspberry jam." "R-Raspberry j-j-jam d-doesn't r-repel b-b-boarders," said Spook, hustling the dishes below, "h-h-half as m-m-much as s-s-stewed p-p-prunes." He stopped, with his head out of the cabin door. "S-S-Say!" he exclaimed, pointing, "isn't th-that another b-boat?"

We t-talked it over that afternoon, out in the b-barn, and we decided to k-k-k-k-quit. We'd t-take the b-boat ourselves, and " "We were all going to sail over to Big Duck in a cat-boat, you know. Father hires a boat every summer." "S-Say, S-S-Spike, g-go ahead, if you want to." "I don't. You go on, you're getting there all right. You'll come to the point in an hour or two."

"Oh, no, they wouldn't. I'll fix it up with Captain Bannister." "That's all right," said Spike, "but piracy isn't the only thing they've got against us." "Isn't it?" "Not by a long shot." "Why, what else have you done?" "B-B-Burglary, b-b-by g-g-gum! S-S-Say, what were you f-fellows doing? This b-boat is said to be owned by n-notorious b-b-b-b- burglars and thieves!"

"W-W-What's that b-boat?" he asked. He was looking straight ahead. Both Spike and I looked under the boom and saw the sail of a yacht about a mile away. She was headed directly for us. "Oh, some boat, or other," said Spike, nibbling at a jam-covered cracker, which Spook had fixed for him. "L-L-Let's ch-change our c-course a b-bit, she m-may be f-full of p-p-persons with pup-pup-pitchforks."