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From the volume of solution required to react with the bleaching powder, calculate the percentage of available chlorine in the latter, assuming the titration reaction to be that between chlorine and arsenious oxide: As O + 4Cl + 4H O > 2As O + 8HCl The clear supernatant liquid gives percentages which are below, and the sediment percentages which are above, the average.

What is your Vitalizing Mixture?" "That's my secret." "Liquor? Eh?" "Some." "Morphine?" "A little." "And the rest syrup and coloring matter, I suppose. A fine vitalizer!" "It gets the money," retorted the other. "And your soothing, balmy oils for cancer? Arsenious acid, I suppose, to eat it out?" "What if it is? As well that as anything else for cancer." "Humph!

If this foil be dried, cut up, put in a reduction-tube, and heated, crystals of arsenious trioxide will be deposited on the cold part of the tube. These tests are difficult to apply, but as arsenic is a ubiquitous poison, and as there are many sources of fallacy, it would be well, when possible, to obtain the services of an expert. Biological Test.

The sodium arsenite may be prepared from pure arsenious oxide, as described below, and is stable for considerable periods; but commercial oxide requires resublimation to remove arsenic sulphide, which may be present in small quantity.

It should be added in slight excess only, since the excess must be removed by boiling, which is tedious. !Method C! PROCEDURE. Weigh out into 500 cc. beakers two portions of 0.175-0.200 gram each of pure arsenious oxide. Dissolve each of these in 10 cc. of sodium hydroxide solution, with stirring. Cover the beakers before adding the bicarbonate, to avoid loss.

"I observe a number of crystalline particles in this," he said, after a brief inspection, "which have the appearance of arsenious acid." "Ah!" ejaculated Mr. Barton, "just what I feared. But are you certain?" "No," replied Thorndyke; "but the matter is easily tested."

It is possible to dissolve the arsenious oxide directly in a solution of sodium bicarbonate, with gentle warming, but solution in sodium hydroxide takes place much more rapidly, and the excess of the hydroxide is readily neutralized by hydrochloric acid, with subsequent addition of the bicarbonate to maintain neutrality during the titration.

arsenious oxide Ethyl dichlor by sulphur arsine by dioxide HCl and iodine Conversion of H8chst paraformalde hyde to sym dichlor methyl ether by means The above analysis can leave us with no doubt in our minds that the organic chemical industry is the logical place for efficient chemical warfare production.

The most important combinations among the foregoing are: Potassium bichromate and ferrous salts; potassium permanganate and ferrous salts; potassium permanganate and oxalic acid, or its derivatives; iodine and sodium thiosulphate; hypochlorites and arsenious acid.

After the last dose give the following: Turpentine, 2 ounces; fluid extract male fern, 1/2 ounce; Pearson's Creolins, 1 ounce; raw linseed oil, 1 pint. Mix and give all at one dose. To improve the general condition one may give artificial Carlsbad salts, 1 tablespoonful in each feed, and each dose to have added to it 3 to 5 grains arsenious acid.