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Captain Buckingham paused to fill his pipe again, and Stevey Todd said: "'Intent to deceive and deception pursuant, was my words, and I never give in," and Uncle Abimelech piped up to a crazy tune: "You can arguy here and arguy there, But them that dangles in the air They surely was mistook somewhere, They ain't got good foundations." "Aye," said Captain Buckingham thoughtfully. "It was so.

'No, not fling them away lightly, but we are permitted to lay down our lives in a right cause. There are many duties, as you know, Mr. Jerome, which stand before taking care of our own lives. 'Ah! I can't arguy wi' you, Mr. Tryan; but what I wanted to say's this There's my little chacenut hoss; I should take it quite a kindness if you'd hev him through the winter an' ride him.

"Yonder is the three Japanese tumblers from the private company of the Meekado, trained to expriss by motion an' mysthical attichude, the eternal principles of poethry as understood by Orientals, Hinjoos, an' thim Chinaysers: forninst the same, the beaucheous Princess Popocatapetl, whose royal ancesthors was discovered by Columbus, an' buried by another cilibrated Dago, that ought t'have been ashamed of it; nixt her, the Hairy Man, wid a chin beard on the bridge of his nose an' the hair of his head growin' out of the shmall of his back; nixt, the cilibrated performin' dog, David, that you'll recognise by his shmilin' looks an' polkadot complexion; an' so on, the others in due order, that will soon be increasin' your admiration for the marvels of creation, an' servin' as texts, I doubt not, for the future discoorses of me frind, the venerable clergyman of this parish, that sits in the front row May Hiven bless him! all mimbers of the Flannagan an' Imparial, includin', aye, even down to the poor wake-minded man that sells hot waffles at the door, which if ye tell him, afther this performance, that his waffles is the same kind of waffles that a shoemaker pegs on for the sole of a shoe, it's me private opinion he'll be in no timper to arguy the point.

'Michtna she be that are, oot o' a' the warl', ye never shawed spark o' rizzon til? 'There's nae place in her for reason to gang til! 'Ye never tried her wi' 't! Ye wud arguy wi' her mair nor plenty, but did ye ever shaw her rizzon i' yer behaviour? 'Weel ye are turnin agen me you 'at 's saved my life frae her!