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"Rules may be rules, but you can't fool Mike Flannery twice wid the same thrick whin ut comes to live stock, dang the rules. So long as Flannery runs this expriss office pigs is pets an' cows is pets an' horses is pets an' lions an' tigers an' Rocky Mountain goats is pets an' the rate on thim is twinty-foive cints."

'Twould be the same was they Dutch pigs or Rooshun pigs. Mike Flannery," he added, "is here to tind to the expriss business and not to hould conversation wid dago pigs in sivinteen languages fer to discover be they Chinese or Tipperary by birth an' nativity." Mr. Morehouse hesitated. He bit his lip and then flung out his arms wildly. "Very well!" he shouted, "you shall hear of this!

"For a thousand years," says Flannagan, "by the imerald seas of the Orient, have the ancesthors of me frinds on me right developed the soopleness of limb an' the art that is becalled by the Mahatmas an' thim Boodhists 'the art of the symbolical attichude, as discovered and practised in the Injian Ocean's coral isles, which by the same they do expriss their feelin's till ye get a mysthical pain in your stomick wid lookin' at 'em.

"And the Boss," continued Duncan, coolly ignoring Freckles' anger, "he lays back just as cool as cowcumbers an' says: 'I'll give a thousand dollars to ony man that will show me a fresh stump when we reach the Limberlost, says he. Some of the men just snapped him op that they'd find some. So you see bow the Boss is trustin' ye, lad." "I am gladder than I can ever expriss," said Freckles.

There was an expression of eagerness and impatience on the face of Gallup, and Mulloy seemed in a similar mood. "By gum, we're gittin' back into God's country ag'in!" exclaimed the lanky Vermonter. "Arter bein' buried down there in Mexico so long it seems jest like heaven." "Do they be afther callin' this a fast expriss?" burst from Mulloy. "Faith, but it crawls loike a shnail, so it does.