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So near, indeed, that he meant to bring them still nearer, but this was not then suspected by the Spanish court; Henry, the while, repelling as a personal insult to himself the request that he should secretly labour to reduce the United Provinces under subjection to the archdukes.

On this subject, nothing could be pretended or proposed on the part of the king and archdukes without, violation of formal and solemn promises.

In this paper he called the archdukes hereditary sovereigns of the Netherlands. It was agreed that the various points of negotiation should be taken up in regular order; but the first question of all that presented itself was whether the conferences should be for a truce or, a peace. The secret object of Spain was for a truce of years.

Pecquius asserted that the Archdukes had received assurances from the States that they would do nothing to violate the truce.

Princes show what they have in them of generosity and valour at the age of twenty-five or never." He said that orders had been sent from Spain to disband all troops in the obedient Netherlands except Spaniards and Italians, telling the Archdukes that they must raise the money out of the country to content them. They must pay for a war made for their benefit, said Philip.

The family physician every morning visited each one of the children, and then briefly reported to the empress the health of the archdukes and the archduchesses.

There happened to be no lack of archdukes at that period for anything comfortable that might offer such as a throne in England, Holland, or France and the Austrian House was not remarkable for refusing convenient marriages; but the immediate future only could show whether Alexander I. of the House of Farnese was to reign in England, or whether the next king of that country was to be called Matthias, Maximilian, or Ernest of Hapsburg.

In a subsequent letter to the king, Spinola observed that he was well aware of the indignation created in Spain by the cessation of land hostilities without the recal of the fleet, but that nevertheless John Neyen had confidentially represented to the archdukes the royal assent as almost certain.

Difficult Position of Barneveld Insurrection at Utrecht subdued by the States' Army Special Embassies to England and France Anger of the King with Spain and the Archdukes Arrangements of Henry for the coming War Position of Spain Anxiety of the King for the Presence of Barneveld in Paris Arrival of the Dutch Commissioners in France and their brilliant Reception Their Interview with the King and his Ministers Negotiations Delicate Position of the Dutch Government India Trade Simon Danzer, the Corsair Conversations of Henry with the Dutch Commissioners Letter of the King to Archduke Albert Preparations for the Queen's Coronation, and of Henry to open the Campaign in person Perplexities of Henry Forebodings and Warnings The Murder accomplished Terrible Change in France Triumph of Concini and of Spain Downfall of Sully Disputes of the Grandees among themselves Special Mission of Condelence from the Republic Conference on the great Enterprise Departure of van der Myle from Paris.

"We hope that nothing further will be asked of us, no scruples be felt as to our good intentions," he said, "and that if Spain and the Archdukes are not ready now to fulfil the treaty, their Majesties will know how to resent this trifling with their authority and dignity, and how to set matters to rights with their own hands in the duchies.