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Doctor R conveyed to the Councillor the sad intelligence that Angela had fallen seriously ill in consequence of a cold caught at the theatre, and that during the night immediately preceding what was to have been Antonia's wedding-day, she had died.

Soon this wanton rumour was met and stifled by another of more morbific density, heavily charged as that which led the sad Eliza to her pyre. ANTONIA's hero was easily identified.

Could it be possible that we had been deceived, after all, as to the circumstances of Dona Antonia's abduction? Perhaps she was concealed somewhere. I shouted: "Dona Antonia! Dona Antonia! are you here? Fear not; it is I Dick Hawkesley. We have captured this vessel; Madera is wounded, if not slain outright; your father is at hand, and you are free." "Who calls?"

"Gandia" he cried; and looked at Giovanni with round eyes of fear and amazement. "How came he here?" "How?" With bloody hand Giovanni pointed to the open door of Antonia's chamber. "That was the lure, my lord. Taking the air outside, I saw him slinking hither, and took him for a thief, as, indeed, he was a thief of honour, like all his kind. I followed, and there he lies." "My God!" cried Pico.

At the bottom of her garden she rested her hands upon a gate in the low stone wall. The mansion behind her was well ordered and prosperous. No drop of milk was spilled in Antonia's domain without her knowledge. She had noted, as she came down the path, how the cabbages were rounding their delicately green spheres. Antonia was a housewife for whom maids labored with zeal.

The music of the song and of the pianoforte accompanying it went on without any visible signs that Antonia sang or that B touched the instrument. Then the Councillor fell into a sort of dead faint, whilst the images vanished away. On awakening he still felt the terrible anguish of his dream. He rushed into Antonia's room.

Soon this wanton rumour was met and stifled by another of more morbific density, heavily charged as that which led the sad Eliza to her pyre. ANTONIA's hero was easily identified.

Please turn round and come to the Carlton first. There's a letter there for you from Nora. Come and see her, and hear about Nell and Molly." There was the queerest mixture of every sort of emotion in Antonia's wild, disjointed speech; but above it all was an overpowering earnestness, which somehow attracted the poor, forlorn-looking Squire. "You are a very queer young lady," he said.

Looking up, he saw Antonia's second brother, a young man in the Rifles, bending over him with sunny cheeks and lazy smile, clearly just a little drunk. "Congratulate you, old chap! I say, what made you grow that b-b-eastly beard?" Shelton grinned. "Pillbottle of the Duchess!" read young Dennant, taking up the book. "You been reading that? Rippin', is n't it?" "Oh, ripping!" replied Shelton.

The Doctor, whom the old housekeeper had called in, pronounced Antonia's case a somewhat serious but by no means dangerous attack; and she did indeed recover more quickly than her father had dared to hope. She now clung to him with the most confiding childlike affection; she entered into his favourite hobbies into his mad schemes and whims.