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Updated: August 2, 2024

"But not of the church, then, I trust, my good brother?" said the Prior. "Of church and lay," said the Friar; "and therefore, Sir Prior 'facite vobis amicos de Mammone iniquitatis' make yourselves friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness, for no other friendship is like to serve your turn."

"A Scotch surgeon may have more learning than an English one, and all Scotland could not muster learning enough for Lowth's Prelections." See ante, ii. 363, and March 30, 1783. The poem is entitled Gualterus Danistonus ad Amicos. It begins: 'Dum studeo fungi fallentis munere vitae' Which Prior imitates: 'Studious the busy moments to deceive.

If of the fickleness of friends, there is Cato, who will give you his distich: Donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos, Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris. "With these and such like bits of Latin they will take you for a grammarian at all events, and that now-a-days is no small honour and profit. "With regard to adding annotations at the end of the book, you may safely do it in this way.

"multos numerabis amicos, Tempera cum erunt nubila, nullus erit," and he was this summer doomed to a still harder deprivation by the final departure of his brother John from the Netherlands. The Count had been wearied out by petty miseries. His stadholderate of Gelderland had overwhelmed him with annoyance, for throughout the north- eastern provinces there was neither system nor subordination.

"multos numerabis amicos, Tempera cum erunt nubila, nullus erit," and he was this summer doomed to a still harder deprivation by the final departure of his brother John from the Netherlands. The Count had been wearied out by petty miseries. His stadholderate of Gelderland had overwhelmed him with annoyance, for throughout the north-eastern provinces there was neither system nor subordination.

A gay young man mounted on a courser and attended by friends also on horseback. One of his companions carries a scroll: "Invenies multos, si res tibi floret, amicos;" another carries another scroll: "Si fortuna perit, nullus amicus erit." The Prodigal far from Home. He flaunts his rich raiment and carries a lute; one would say he is enjoying life. The Allegory of the False Friends.

Adams, referring to the accounts he had received that the attendance at the Presidential levees was much smaller than usual, and that the visitors were chiefly from among the President's old adversaries, the Whigs, remarked: "'Donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos Tempora si fuerint nubila solus eris.

"multos numerabis amicos, Tempera cum erunt nubila, nullus erit," and he was this summer doomed to a still harder deprivation by the final departure of his brother John from the Netherlands. The Count had been wearied out by petty miseries. His stadholderate of Gelderland had overwhelmed him with annoyance, for throughout the north-eastern provinces there was neither system nor subordination.

Sin autem vi agere conabitur, spero fore, studiis non solum amicorum, sedetiam alienorum, ut vi resistamus. Omnes et se et suos liberos, amicos, clientes, libertos, servos, pecunias denique suas pollicentur. Nostra antiqua manus bonorum ardet studio nostri atque amore. Si qui antea aut alieniores fuerant, ant languidiores, nunc horum regum odio se cum bonis conjungunt.

It is no doubt, on account of its brevity that Boswell in speaking of it writes: 'What is called The Life. See Boswell's Hebrides, Oct, 29, 1773. See ante, under Feb. 7, 1775. See post, p. 139. See ante, i. 494. From Prior's imitation of Gualterus Danistonus ad Amicos; the poem mentioned by Boswell in his Hebrides, Aug. 18, 1773. Copy is manuscript for printing. To one of the petitions 'Mrs.

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