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Updated: August 20, 2024

Soon, in his bold revolt against nature, he went still further, and we shall see him trampling under foot everything that is human, blood, love, and country, and only keeping soul and heart for the idea which presented itself to him as the absolute form of goodness and truth. Jerome, Dial. adv.

Sac. i. p. 306. H.E. v. 11, vi. 6. H.E. vi. 6. Marc. iv. 5. Haeret. c. 36; see Scrivener, Introduction, p. 446. These facts may be held to show that the books were not regarded with the same veneration as now. Haer. iii. 11. 8. Adv. Haer. iv. 13. 1. Westcott, On the Canon, p. 120, notes 4 and 5.

And Cicero follows Plato, frequently confessing the Deity, and calls him the Supreme Being, in his treatise on the Laws." An. c. 1; Adv. Marc. i. 10; Ad. "God," he says, "proves himself to be God, and the one only God, by the very fact that He is known to all nations; for the existence of any other deity than He would first have to be demonstrated.

Ubi, here adv. of time, as in 20, 38, et passim. Certabant. Not fought with the enemy, but vied with each other. So below: utroque certante. With pro salute, cf. His. 4, 58: pro me securior. Erupere. Sallied forth, sc. from the camp. Utroque exercitu. Each of the two Roman armies. Quod. Cf. 12, note. Debellatum, lit. the war would have been fought out, i.e. ended. Modo cauti.

Marcion's reading of this verse corresponded with that of other Gnostics, but has no extant manuscript authority. We have touched upon it elsewhere. Adv. xi. 2. Crt. xii. 14. Crt. xii. 38. Crt., combine the two readings in various ways. xvi. 12. xvii. 2. xviii. 19.

The family do not know who this MR. Crum is but It is said he is a widower though he has been diVorced with a great many children. The new ditch of the MR. Henry D. Vance, backyard of this City is about through now as little remain to be done and it is thought the beighborhood will son look better. Subscribe NOW 25c. Per Year Adv. 45c. up. Atwater & Co. Newspaper Building 25 Cents Per Years.

Tenentibus plerisque. Though many still retained, i.e. did not lay down their arms. Propius. Al. proprius. But that is purely conjectural. Adv. for adj., cf. ultra, 8; longe, 6==propior, like the propior cura of Ovid. Metamor. 13, 578. Render: a more urgent fear. Some would connect propius with agitabat notwithstanding its remote position. Suae quoque.

There is a string of allusions in the first book of Irenaeus, 'Adv.

Eusebius, in fact, far from exaggerating the authority of Papias, is embarrassed at his simple ingenuousness, at his gross millenarianism, and solves the difficulty by treating him as a man of little mind. Comp. Irenæus, Adv.

The adv. is used only in the comp.; and the part. adductus is post-Augustan.

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