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Lady Bassett sank into a chair, and her eloquent face filled with an undefinable terror. Mary Wells, being on her defense, put in her word. "I am sure he was a doctor; for he wrote a prescription, and here 'tis." Dr. Willis examined the prescription, with no friendly eye. "Acetate of morphia! The very worst thing that could be given him. This is the favorite of the specialists.

He is innocent!" M. Roussel concluded his speech at ten o'clock on Sunday night, November 16. The next morning Berryer addressed the jury. His speech in defence of Castaing is not considered one of his most successful efforts. He gave personal testimony as to the taste of acetate of morphia.

Brukner fails to confirm this difference, obtaining a voluminous precipitate with tannic acid and acetate of lead in the case of both substances.

A further reason is that from the solution of acetate of iron or alumina, basic acetates are very easily precipitated on heating, and are thus readily deposited in the fibre. Mordanting and Fixing Basic Colours. Now let us ask ourselves a very important question. Combination, and so precipitation, would not take place; no lake would be formed.

Then there was a row of phials containing dextrine, alcoholic ether, liquid acetate of lead, vinegar, and ammonia drugs which afforded me no comfort. Finally, all the articles needful to supply Ruhmkorff's apparatus. My uncle did not forget- a supply of tobacco, coarse grained powder, and amadou, nor a leathern belt in which he carried a sufficient quantity of gold, silver, and paper money.

As another example, we may take a solution of acetate of soda, so strong that it is just on the point of crystallising. If it crystallises it solidifies, and the liquid consequently gives up its latent heat of liquefaction.

These may be separated from organic mixtures thus: Boil the organic matter with distilled water, spirit, and acetic acid; filter, and to the fluid passed through add acetate of lead till precipitate ceases. Filter. Acetate of morphine passes through, and meconate of lead remains.

The bottle contains 100 grammes of a strong alkaline solution smelling strongly of ammonia, and containing potash, ammonia, alcohol, glycerin, and eau de cologne. Colorigene Rigaud. A blue bottle containing 160 grammes of a clear fluid with a slight black deposit, consisting of a mixture of equal parts of a 14 per cent. solution of sodic hyposulphate, and a 4 per cent. solution of lead acetate.

This learned lord, or Tomkins aforesaid, or whoever may have been the inditer of the epistle ad Jenkins, is eloquent exceedingly upon the narcotine of fashionable life: declares that its soothing influences were unequalled by vapour of purest mundungus, or acetate of morphia, or even pill of opium, blended intimately with glass of eau-de-vie.

I may also, in the last instance, mention that I have found the above methods of electro-dissolution peculiarly adapted for the preparation of unstable compounds such as stannic nitrate, potassic ferrate, ferric acetate, which are decomposed on the application of heat, and in some instances have succeeded by the following means of crystallizing the resulting compound obtained. Chem. News. Dr.