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Such mordants as "red liquor" and "iron liquor," which are acetates of alumina and iron respectively, are also wasted, a portion of them being precipitated by the lime, thus weakening the mordant baths. Ferruginous Impurities in Water. Iron in solution in water is very objectionable in dyeing operations.

The inventor has made numerous experiments with his apparatus, and thinks it permits of determining the total force developed by powder very perfectly. For obtaining anhydrous or very concentrated vinegar directly from pyrolignite of lime or other acetates by a single distillation, Mr. D. Sandmann, of Charlottenburg, employs the apparatus shown in the accompanying engraving.

A further reason is that from the solution of acetate of iron or alumina, basic acetates are very easily precipitated on heating, and are thus readily deposited in the fibre. Mordanting and Fixing Basic Colours. Now let us ask ourselves a very important question. Combination, and so precipitation, would not take place; no lake would be formed.

Water slightly acidulated with sulphuric, nitric, or muriatic acid will probably be the best, but it is hoped that phosphoric, acetic, and lactic acids will prove equally good. Lemon juice and vinegar are merely acetates and citrates of potash, and are not as good. It seems that the offensive smells noticed in the English Houses of Parliament last session have been traced to their source.

Now, neutral tartrates, citrates, and acetates of the alkalis are found, in their passage through the system, to be changed into carbonates; and to convert a tartrate into a carbonate requires an additional quantity of oxygen, the abstraction of which must lessen the oxygen destined for assimilation with the blood, on the quantity of which the vigorous action of the human system partly depends.

D'A. Bernard, it is especially important, in the dry distillation of distiller's wash in a closed vessel, for the production of methyls, ammonia, acetates, and methylamine, that the mass shall be divided as completely as possible, since it then takes but a relatively moderate heat to completely destroy the organic coloring matter contained in the wash.

Now, neutral tartrates, citrates, and acetates of the alkalis are found, in their passage through the system, to be changed into carbonates; and to convert a tartrate into a carbonate requires an additional quantity of oxygen, the abstraction of which must lessen the oxygen destined for assimilation with the blood, on the quantity of which the vigorous action of the human system partly depends.