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Gluten in flour corresponds with the nitrates or flesh-formers in flesh, and abounds in hard winter wheat. The flour containing much of it is never extremely white.

Art is surely but a series of conventions which enable us to express our special sense of beauty for beauty is everywhere, and abounds in subtle manifestations. Things ugly in themselves become beautiful by association; or perhaps I should say that they become picturesque. The slightest insistance in a line will redeem and make artistically interesting the ugliest face.

We give it as a specimen of the romantic narratives in which Xenophon's history abounds, and on account of the many illustrations of an ancient manners and customs which it contains, leaving it for each reader to decide for himself what weight he will attach to its claims to be regarded as veritable history.

It would be tedious, and, except to botanists, abstruse, to enumerate instances; yet the whole strength of the case depends upon the number of such instances. Our Rhus Toxicodendron, or poison-ivy, is very exactly repeated in Japan, but is found in no other part of the world, although a species much like it abounds in California.

There is, however, an advantage in a district in which pine timber abounds, and all who resolve on camping out for health should not fail to select such localities. There is a subtle and positive balm to weak nerves and sore lungs inhering in the atmosphere of pine forests, wholly unknown to that of any other.

Egan's story to the case of "Yours Truly"? I scarcely know a greater pleasure than to be allowed for a whole day to spend the hours unmolested in my friend's library. So much privilege abounds there, I call it Urbanity Hall.

Some parts were clothed by low thickets, and others with those succulent plants which luxuriate only where salt abounds. Bad as the country was, ostriches, deers, agoutis, and armadilloes, were abundant.

The first story in the volume is Old Christmas; one of the gems or sweets is Garry Owen, or the Snow-Woman, by Miss Edgeworth, for it abounds with good sentiment, just such as we should wish in the hearts and mouths of our own children, as a spice for their prattle. We pass over L'Egotiste Corrigée, par Madame de Labourt pretty enough and the Ambitious Primrose, by Miss Dagley.

Alas! do mothers or daughters know what are the practical common sense inferences from this conduct, where it greatly abounds.

Because of the prevalence of consonants, the German and the English languages are relatively unmusical. The English abounds in hissing sounds, which are a trial to the singer with an exacting ear and perfect taste, and produce most unwelcome effects on the refined listener who really puts music first and the conveyance of ideas second in a vocal composition.