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Theer's one on 'em, back theer on the Cranbrook road, looks like an oak-tree in the daytime ah, an' a big 'un it's nearly 'ad me three times a'ready once by the leg, once by the arm, and once by the neck. I don't pass it arter dark no more, but it'll 'ave me yet mark my words it'll 'ave me one o' these fine nights; and they'll find me a-danglin' in the gray o' the dawn!"

Well, as I tell ye, I seen a boot, likewise a leg, an' theer were this 'ere wanderin' man o' the roads a-danglin' be'ind th' door from a stapil look ye!" he exclaimed, rising with some little difficulty, and hobbling into the hut, "theer be th' very stapil, so it be!" and he pointed up to a rusty iron staple that had been driven deep into the beam above the door.

It's allers good to pray," and down went simple old Billy on his knees. "You keep on a-danglin' that ere bucket, and I'll pray fur ye, young uns. That'll fetch him." He clasped his hands and shut his earnest eyes. The children stood in awed silence.

"Now, Peter, 'twould be a hijious thing a very hijious thing if, when I come a-gatherin' watercress in the marnin', I should find you a-danglin' on t' stapil, cold and stiff like t' other, or lyin' a corp wi' your throat cut; 'twould be a hijious hijious thing, Peter, but oh! 'twould mak' a fine story in the tellin'."

"When I seen her a-kneelin' thar, with 'er year-rings a-danglin' an' 'er fine feathers a-tossin' an' a-trimblin', leetle more an' my thoughts would 'a sot me afire. I riz an' I stood over her, an' I says, says I

I never pass by, says 'e, 'but I takes a peep inside, jest to make sure as theer aren't no legs a-danglin', nor nobody 'unched up dead in the dark. It's such a nice, quiet place, e used to say, shakin' 'is lead, and smilin' sad-like, 'I wonder as nobody's never thought of it afore. Well, one day, sure enough, poor Bill Nye disappeared nobody knowed wheer.