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By 1790 the society had on deposit in the Bank of North America £42 9s. id., and that it generally stood for racial enterprise may be seen from the fact that in 1788 an organization in Newport known as the Negro Union, in which Paul Cuffe was prominent, wrote proposing a general exodus of the Negroes to Africa.

Softened by boiling, then, 1,000 gallons of water would cost about 7s. 6d., while the cost of softening the same amount by soap is 9s., at L2 6s. 6d. per cwt. The softening of water by lime. The economy which carbonate of soda exhibits in comparison with soap as a softening material is far surpassed by the use of lime.

Captain Cocke and I had a breast of veal roasted. And here I drank wine upon necessity, being ill for want of it, and I find reason to fear that by my too sudden leaving off wine, I do contract many evils upon myself. Going and coming we played at gleeke, and I won 9s. 6d. clear, the most that ever I won in my life. I pray God it may not tempt me to play again.

Salvoes of their 5.9s fell steadily, and black splashes of earth jumped up ever and again, whilst smoke from the preceding shells coiled and drifted away to the west. The 61st Division was relieved on April 11 and moved back to the Nesle area. The 2/4th Oxfords marched to Hombleux, a village where the enemy had left the church and a few houses standing.

There I found that 9s. 6d. had come in for the pewter dishes; one of the labourers had given 10s. for the Orphans, and 10s. for the School-Fund. One pair of the gloves had been sold. Thus altogether had come in 4l. 2s. 3d., and therefore about 1l. 10s. more than was needed. We are now brought to the close of one more week. This has been, perhaps, of all the weeks the most trying.

We set out, the reckoning and servants coming to 9s. 6d.; my guide thither, 2s.; coachman, advanced, 10s.

BADEN POWELL, M.A., F.R.S., of Oriel College, Savilian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford. 9s. NATURAL THEOLOGY considered chiefly with reference to LORD BROUGHAM'S DISCOURSE on that subject. By the Very Rev. T. TURTON, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge, and Dean of Peterborough. 8s.

It may be also interesting to the reader to know that the total amount which was given as free contributions, for the other objects, from the commencement of the work up to May 26, 1850, amounted to £10,531, 3s. 3¾d.; and that which came in by the sale of Bibles and tracts, and by the payments of the children in the schools, up to May 26, 1850, amounted to £2,707, 9s. 3½d.

The behaviour of his guns and aeroplanes by day suggested no passive retreat in the near future. While BAB code messages, providing mingled toil and excitement, announced the impending departure of the enemy and asserted the necessity for keeping touch, aeroplanes flew a thousand feet overhead and directed the fire of fresh batteries of 5.9s and 4.2s upon our trenches.

But, besides this, he got 1s. out of each coat made on his premises, and there were twenty-one coats made there, upon an average, every week; so that, altogether, the sweater's clear gains out of the men were L5, 9s. every week. These are the profits of the sweater, and the earnings of the men engaged under him, when working for the first rate houses.