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In 1861 he was elected United States Senator from Maine for the unexpired term of Vice-President Hamlin. In 1863 he was re-elected to the Senate for the term ending in 1869. 28, 204, 205, 207, 408, 484, 485, 489, 530. DANIEL MORRIS was born in Seneca County, New York, January 4, 1812. He was bred a farmer, taught school for a time, and finally became a lawyer.

Steering a little to the north of west, through dense thickets without grass, we bivouacked at a very grassy spot called Bunnaroo, from which Mount Singleton bore North 205 degrees East magnetic. 23rd.

And how long do you suppose the church fought that? Let me tell you. It was revoked by Pius VII. in the year of grace 1821. For 205 years after the death of Copernicus the church insisted that that system was false, and that the old idea was true. Astronomy is the first help that we ever received from heaven.

The volume of air compressed per revolution was 0.5654 cubic meter. For obtaining this measure of compressed air, the work expended was 21,557 pounds. The work done in the steam cylinders, from indicator diagrams, is shown to have been 25,205 pounds, the useful effect being 85½ per cent. of the power expended.

"Not the voyage, but the distance, Sir; and then the sea is a barrier " "From what, Jane?" "From England, and from Thornfield; and " "Well?" "From you, Sir." vol. ii, p. 205. and then the lady bursts into tears in the most approved fashion. Although so clever in giving hints, how wonderfully slow she is in taking them! Even when, tired of his cat's play, Mr.

That they might not, however, be altogether wanting to themselves in this extreme necessity, the English took some steps towards adjusting their disjointed government, and uniting themselves against the common enemy. Pictav. p. 205. Order. Vitalis, p. 502. Hoveden, p. 449.

The mortar in which rice is pounded is a large, deep wooden bowl that stands in the house. With its standard, it is three feet or more in height. The same word is used of the ceremonial washing at the festival of G'inum. Ordinary bathing is padigus. See footnote 3, p. 15, also 3, p. 16. For the Malay tradition, cf. Skeat, Malay Magic, p. 205. See footnote 1, p. 18.

The details of Chauncey's actions are appended to his letter of Sept. 26, 1812. Chauncey to Secretary of the Nary, Oct. 8, 12, 21, 1812. Captains' Letters. Chauncey to Secretary, October 27, November 4, 6, 13. Captains' Letters. Those for November 6 and 13 can be found in Niles, vol. iii, pp. 205, 206. Chauncey to Secretary, November 17. Captains' Letters. Chauncey to Secretary, Nov. 26, 1812.

The estimated Socialist vote of these localities was 1,500,000. The 1039 Socialist officers included 56 mayors, 205 aldermen and councilmen, and 148 school officers.

Weight Distance Shot Alaskan....................... 80 pounds 180 yards Apache........................ 28 " 120 " Blackfoot..................... 45 " 145 " Cheyenne...................... 65 " 156 " Cree.......................... 38 " 150 " Esquimaux..................... 80 " 200 " Hupa.......................... 40 " 148 " Luiseno....................... 48 " 125 " Navajo........................ 45 " 150 " Mojave........................ 40 " 110 " Osage......................... 40 " 92 " Sioux......................... 45 " 165 " Tomawata...................... 40 " 148 " Yurok......................... 30 " 140 " Yukon......................... 60 " 125 " Yaki.......................... 70 " 210 " Yana.......................... 48 " 205 "