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She never had a son, but she thought, if God had presented her with one, he ought to have resembled the Jackal. That he came to bid her good-by, moved her, and she said in a half-audible voice: "Monsieur Zouave!" Coucou remained standing. "Come this way! Are you, perhaps, afraid of me? On previous occasions you were less timid."

Then he thought of the first time he had crossed the bridge in his Zouave uniform, and a faint smile flickered on his brown features. It happened almost every day that he stopped at the same place, and as particular spots often become associated with ideas that seem to belong to them, the same thought almost always recurred to his mind as he stood there.

Now, the other day I saw her out driving, and oh, dear! you should have seen her! She had on a crimson Zouave jacket heavily braided with black about the edges, and a turban with a huge crimson feather, and crimson ribbons reaching nearly to her waist. Imagine that kind of a hat to drive in. And her hands! You should have seen the way she held her hands oh just so self-consciously.

While the Zouave Coucou took leave in the villa, a mixed company, like on all other nights, had gathered together in the Spider.

He was talking in a loud, excited voice, pacing restlessly to and fro, pausing at intervals to confront Ailsa where she sat, limp and silent, gazing up at this slender youth in his short blue jacket edged with many bell-buttons, blue body sash, scarlet zouave trousers and leather gaiters. Presently old Jonas shuffled in with Madeira, cakes, and sandwiches, and Stephen began on them immediately.

"Bah! you all saw him." "Where?" "On the road." "We didn't." "You did. He was the Zouave who fled to the woods first." "He?" "Yes." "Diavolo!" These words were exchanged between them as they looked at the fighting. But suddenly there came rapid flashes and rolling volleys beyond the fires that lay before them, and the movement of the flashes showed that a rush had been made toward the lake.

Coucou bowed, as if a compliment were paid him. "Madame," he commenced again, "Providence permitted us to-day to meet each other " "Providence?" repeated the lady in great merriment; "Mr. Zouave, you seem to me to be getting a little crazy!" "Oh, madame," said Coucou ardently, "it will not offend you, if I tell you that I find you exceedingly and, speaking plainly, consider you quite lovely!

"Oh, don't talk of it in that calm way suppose you had been killed!" "I suppose the Zouave would have buried me he's such a helpful creature, you know. He's been in Algiers. He says I ought to go there. His name is Hégisippe Cruchot." "But what about the flat?" asked Emmy.

A little farther on a captain, prone on his stomach, had raised his head to vent his anguish in yells and screams, and death had caught and fixed him in that strange attitude. Others seemed to be slumbering among the herbage, while a zouave; whose blue sash had taken fire, had had his hair and beard burned completely from his head.

The once beautiful church was totally destroyed. In the square was the base of a monument upon which, before the war, stood a memorial to France's glorious dead in the war of 1870. The "kultured" Germans had destroyed the figure and, in its place, had stuck up a dummy stuffed with straw in the uniform of a French Zouave. Could ever a greater insult be shown to France!